***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I have before yes. But shavings won't be any better smell-wise. They start to stink as soon as they get wet from the waterer.

Best smell-free brooder is one with a wire bottom so you can pull out a tray and dump the poo daily if needed.
True. The best you can do is change shavings frequently, like everyday and wash out the tub if you're using plastic. I get a lot of boxes at my work. I usually put them in a new box every two or three days. I',m getting one batch out of the house this week. Whew! This morning I didn't get the top put back on quite well enough. I'll leave it to your imagination to guess the amount of little poo piles I had to clean up.
Last year we did about 30 chicks (broilers and egg layers). I used pine shavings in 2 large 50 gallon rubbermaid tubs. They worked well. I did have to start cleaning the brooder twice a day. But soon after that it was warm enough the chicks could go out during the day and it wasn't too bad after that. The worst were the broilers. Those birds can eat and poop!!!!!

Another option. If you are close enough and you have a truck/trailer. Go to the Green Waste Recycling Center north of Tulsa. 1 Mile West of 169 on 56th Street north. Get a load of fine ground mulch. That is really the best and the cheapest. You can clean out the brooder and mulch your yard/garden with it.

ETA: The mulch is free and I have never had issues with it.
Is that like the dump where you have to have proof of id living in Tulsa to use it? We live in the county but not in Tulsa.
Everyone is playing at the auction but me.
Me either!
Here I will share some pics of my fluffy butts to distract us from the fact that we can't get anymore yet LOL!

BigMama (Buff Orp)

Jack and Icey!

RIR in her pretty apron!

Dancer (EE) the reason the girls are in aprons!!!

Aunt PittyPat (L Brahma)

My lovely flock!
quote name="TaraBellaBirds" url="/t/501128/okies-in-the-byc-iii/51750#post_12873792"]

That picture is priceless, I hope my roos are as well behaved!!!
Yes, love this pic
I'm fairly new to this site and obviously addicted lol.

I've been away for a couple weeks and sooo much has gone on! First.. how about that crazy wind!?!? Oh my! Just to vent a little because no one else seems to really understand the depth of my anxiety over the situation...:he

We have a 24 foot square building that has tin on the north side and the top, well lets just say the wind picked the whole thing up with about 12 very pricey peafowl inside and rolled it end over end 4 times right through our pasture fence, freeing every peabird, about 80 head of cows and their calves and 4 very tame horses that instantly turned into wild broncs, all while breaking a few peafowl legs. WOW.

What an evening last night trying to put that all back together. Still missing a few birds, got all the 4 legged back into the pasture and got the building set back where it goes, and guess I will be playing doctor for a while. Hopefully my Spalding Pied Peacock (in my avatar picture) will be hanging out by the pens when I get home bc I might just break down and cry if he doesn't show up. He was my favorite. :hit

We have calves hitting the ground everyday, I'm missing 1 panel off my greenhouse and my garden looks like death lol. Spring fever has hit me hard!

I have about 35 chicks:jumpy stashed in rubbermaid totes in my living room AND I REALLY REALLY want to go to the auction tonight in Coweta! I have never been. Anyone else going to be there??

I know I don't need anymore on my plate...but I'm not sure I can resist. :drool

My incubator is empty right now after all  :yesss:
So sorry about your peafowl. I would be sick too.

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