Olandsk Dwarf Chickens

I am interested in buying one or more Olandsk Dwarf hens. (I've got a first-rate rooster to breed them to.) Is anybody selling them? If not, could anybody recommend a breeder?
You can go to the Olandsk Facebook page and asked to be added.
They have a lot of sellers though at this time of year I doubt they have any extra hens available for sale. There's usually plenty late spring and early fall when the weather is kinder on the birds. And due to their size, you will most certainly have to buy at least 2...and they usually ship them as a pair or a trio, meaning a rooster will be included.
My Dwarf eggs average in the 1.1 to 1.3 ounce range, though I have seen some that look larger. They're tiny, little things.
Nice egg display!!! I suppose 2 OD eggs = 1 regular medium egg. Bantam eggs have more yolk than white so when I use Silkie eggs for baking I add some egg white from the store to the recipe measurement - just for baking. For eating I leave the Silkie eggs just as they are. They fit the egg poacher slots in our Egg Genie perfectly. The Leghorn eggs were always too large to fit the poaching slots but the Silkie eggs fit just right.
Soooooo cute!!!!
Our first 2 eggs from 1 of my girls and I was able to witness it!
A cute opaque pinkish creamy tint and very pointy!
Yayyyyyyy...she's turning 6 months in a few days.
The other 3 are ready to lay also since he's been mating with them for 2 weeks!



They are the very best, I have very much enjoyed my pair, they're even primarily raised indoors. What's great is that my roo doesn't crow much, just after I wake up (he's really great about not crowing at the crack of dawn, but only after we're awake), to be let out in the morning, and strangers at the gate (like the delivery man or visiting friends... he's our guard chicken), and he's not very loud, our neighbors have never complained about him, honestly I'm louder than him. Very very calm birds, they do great with our cats, not flighty at all :).
I love this breed, but I don't want to get any unless I can keep a rooster and work on breeding them. Do you have a video of the rooster crowing? I'm interested in how loud he is... I find rooster collars do reduce volume and frequency of crowing, but not enough to make difference in the city unless they are a softer crower to begin with. I have a Serama roo who is pretty quiet with a collar on, but he was a quieter/raspier crower to begin with!

Also, what size do all of you find your ODs to be on average? How do they compare to typical bantams? Thanks!
The roosters have a high pitch crow but, about 30 to 40% of them crow frequently to the point owners become quit frustrated with hearing them. They are really active and I could see a crow collar driving them crazy but, I would imagine that not too many roosters think they are fun or comfortable.
On a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of frequency, mine crows around a 5. Starts at sunrise. A bit through the day but mostly quiet.
And a bit at sundown. I live in an urban neighborhood and roosters are illegal. However, my neighbors don't seem to mind and one actually loves it. The pitch is intense for a little guy...but the size of the breed reduces the overall loudness factor by 5. I like it. My hubby who is a light sleeper hasn't been bothered by his crowing and our upstairs bedroom is near his coop.

Size wise, mine is 2lbs at the most. I can easily carry him in my tiny hand all day.
I absolutely adore this breed. So easy going. Perfect gentlemen of a rooster. Very protective of his girls and the rest of the flock.

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