Olive egger 5 weeks


7 Years
Apr 5, 2012
So far almost every straight run chick has been a cockerel. Is this one looking like a boy as well?

I just had my very first Olive Egger hatch in my 'bator about 20 minutes ago...
I've never had baby LF's, only silkies, so I'm clueless about sexing them. Is there a way to tell early on if they are male or female? Someone mentioned feather sexing...is this a good way?? Thank you so much! I'm SUPER excited about this 'bator full of Olive Eggers!!
I feather sexed my latest batch of chicks, and two were boys one was a girl. Feather sexing is easier then vent sexing.

Do you know how to sex Silkies as babies? Are we able to feather sex silkies? I'm getting some in April, straight run, and I don't want cockerels so I'll have to get rid of them somehow. Thanks!
And feather sexing is accurate? I'll have to try my hand at it. I have a wait...3 total hatched this morning, 2 pipped!

Silkies are tough since you have to wait till they grow streamers on their crest (boy), the longer hackles (boy), the upright stance (boy). Sometimes you can just tell by personality and by the way they carry themselves as youngsters. Or, obviously, when they crow or lay an egg!

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