OMG!!! First Game Cam pic ever. Huge Funny thread

Charlette, I doubt anyone could.

Besides, I didn't do it to prove I'm "right". I wanted to believe it was a mountain lion until I really studied the pictures.

racuda: you are correct, not everyone knows how to use photo-shop. My comment was not directed at any particular poster. It was just a general comment meant to encourage people to keep an open mind. No one really knows what kind of animal it was other than the animal itself.
Technology is an amazing, wonderful & confusing thing
It's feet and body conformation look way too small and petite to be a mountain lion...and if you compare it to the chairs in the photo, it appears to be the size of a large housecat. My guess is housecat, because if you look at full blood bobcats, they also have large feet. Someone else suggested a bob/house cat cross- which is indeed possible, but I still feel unlikely because of the body structure issues. I will tell you that although uncommon, large housecats are capable of killing you may want to keep on monitoring your coop!
I also vote for house cat. In the initial picture I see what looks like a colored "cap", white neck and colored patch on the body. I vote for an orange and white, large, male housecat. I also think its back leg is on a prominant round rock that the orange tabby in the colored picture is in front of. If you use the rocks that are visible in both pictures, the size of the cat becomes more apparant.

Mulder and Scully would just start a big ol' fight....v
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I'm still going with Bobcat...........or maaaybe big house cat.

Mulder and Scully would find that it's not a cat at all but something.......................else...............


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