On haggling... A small rant about being "Nickel and Dimed."


10 Years
Jul 7, 2009
Seattle, Washington
The other day I posted a paper shredder on craigslist. A guy responded and we agreed to meet halfway between where we lived for him to pick it up. The shredder was new and I had priced it at $30 --- a good price since I think ones like it cost about $50 in the store.

He had asked me if I had any tools for sale and I brought a few to show him.

He wanted one of the tools and I said I wanted $3 for it (again, I think a fair price; it cost $6.50 at Home Depot and was in like-new condition.)

He said that when he had to travel to pick up things he was buying he always asked the seller to knock off a few dollars to cover his gas.

I had to stop and think about whether I wanted to "throw in" the tool. I was silent for a minute and he said, "You know, I don't need the shredder, I just want it." Then he said, "Don't quibble over three dollars."

I can't quite describe his tone but it rubbed me the wrong way -- it was a little condescending with a little guilt trip thrown in. Long story short, I said OK, and reluctantly "threw in" the tool in the deal. He had me convinced that it was a "deal breaker" and I needed the money.

I guess what bugged me was his haggling right at the end of the deal and his basically saying he would walk away (how I interpreted the "I don't need this..." line) and his belief that a seller should give him a bargain since he had to drive. It also bugged me that he was dressed very nicely, had told me about living in a houseboat on Lake Washington ($$$$) and he was driving a late model Infiniti. Meanwhile I'm driving a 10-year-old Subaru and doing odd jobs and selling stuff on craigslist to make ends meet.

I'm not good at being put on the spot ---I have what they call "stairstep wit," where you only think of a good rejoinder or response later...and I kicked myself for "caving." I was so thrown off that I didn't remember that I'd had another person respond and want the shredder, so in a way I wish I'd said, "Well, I agree we shouldn't quibble over three dollars...sorry it didn't work out"...and driven off. But of course I didn't. I feel sorta taken advantage of in a way. I guess I am being a hypocrite because if I am at a garage sale or a flea market I will definitely haggle, but I don't ever push the issue like I feel he did.

One of the worst parts of not having much money is having to zip your lip sometimes and take what money you can get, even if you otherwise wouldn't.

Maybe I am just being too sensitive here. Thoughts on being "nickle and dimed"? Thanks for listening to my rant! Sorry so long.
No, your not being too sensitive. I'd be upset too! But i would have handled him a bit differant..
You cant go back now..let the tight wad keep his three bucks...
Preachin' to the choir here! I didn't know "stairstep wit" had a name. I've got it, and I get mad as he@@ afterward. Being in unusual situations puts you at a disadvantage. He already knew what he was going to do, AND what you were going to do. I've learned that when I feel uncomfortable like that, I won't be able to react well enough to win, so I turn heel and leave. I grab the kids and say "Let's go!" Prepare for it the next time. Or tell them during the negotiations that the price is the price is the price. Don't let on that you need the money. You're just cleaning out the house!
i am the same way , i hate to be haggled (i sold a livesock trailer once and the guy buying it and i decided on a price and to meet half way, so when i meet the man he decided he didnt want to pay the decided price for my only used 3 times livestock trailer, so i lost my patience and told him to go to hell and started home not selling my livestock trailer to him, well he followed me (which i didnt know it) till I stopped for gas and stoped me ,apoligized for going back on his word, and payed for a tank of gas on top of the decided price

what i learned was hold your ground if you think its worth it , it probably is.
and when they start to haggle remember they aint the only one in this world with money. but they will probably still buy the product anyway,
.. not nice a nice chap then..... but you have to learn from this...maybe next time you place an add put in "please dont haggle with me on the price as a refusal often offends" or words along those lines, I would have also said to him wwhen he mentioned he had to drive, that you had also had to use your gas to meet him, was he going to give you some bucks toward travelling..... but this is all in hindsight.... but you are better prepred now for the next time.

Wishing you the best of luck..keep your chin up....

Edited because my keyboard is rubbish at spelling!
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Chaulk this one up to experience..

You could have said a lot of things.

like I usually add a few dollars when I meet half way..

or the truth:the deal was,, we agreed to meet half way for $30,oo.. you should have said something before we hung up the phone..

this was not his first time at this..

I personnally would have called his bluff and said, OK, I had other calls on this and was offered $5 more, so thank you for coming ..
and I would have left with it even if he offered me more money..

I used to be and still am slow witted sometimes, but I am getting better..

years ago I sold a row boat to a guy. he called me two weeks later and said the boat leaked and he wanted his money back.. I went with the money and looked the boat over.. the darned fool dug out a whole factory installed calked seam twhile "cleaning" up the boat.. I pointed this out to him
and then he said... Oh, OK I will keep the boat then.. I handed him his money and said, I do not need the bad publicity.. you accused me of selling a leaky boat.. now I am making it good.. and I resold the boat to somebody else after recaulking the seam.. back then I really needed the money, too..

this is a tip for all,,,,,,,especially for you women..

if someone wants to meet you "half way" meet them at someplace very public like at a McDonalds or at a shopping mall parking lot..

and not at the quiet edge of the lot, get as close to the store as you can.. where there are people coming and going.. If the meeter does not agree to the where that you pic, be afraid,, be very afraid.. take somebody with you.. preferably a man or good sized teen boy...

I have met women on these terms and it doesn't bother me one bit.. and then find an excuse to go into the store to make sure he leaves before you do so he doesn't follow you home..
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In my opinion he was in the wrong here. Haggling is fine, but not after agreeing on the price and driving to meet him to complete the deal.
I don't like being put on the spot either. It helps to go over the possibilities before you actually meet them so you will have a response ready.
I had never told anybody that befor but we drove 2 1/2 hrs that day, met early in the morning, he started the ive seen better for cheaper etc. bit, i had given him a chance to look over ther trailer and thats when it started, it didnt take long to lose my patience with the man, upon meeting i emailed him pics of the trailer, and made it very clear on what he was buying, he haggled over the price then .and then we decided to meet

I was still in the wrong for telling him that, but maybe the next time he does business with someone he will be a little more considerate, and it will save the next guy a headache

(but it did finely feel good to not be the nice guy who gets walked all over by everyone else)
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I have sold some autos in the past.
those guys come to the house and say, I am looking at another one just like this for (you guessed it) less money.. I say then buy that one and go back into my house.. I will not answer the door when they knock, either.. I have done this twice already and i will do it again if I need to.. It is kind of a fun game to play, as long as you stay in charge..

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