Our goat gave birth to quads - updated pics pg 9

He's a cutie. So glad the new mama seems to have it figured out. Maybe it will be smooth sailing from here on.

I was watching Confetti and knew she was about to start dropping babies so I was frantically trying to get her in a stall by herself, get the other 6 suddenly curious goat out, who kept breaking back in so I was having to nail stall doors shut, running to get some hay and then trying to watch her. She kept putting her butt up against the stall door in a really odd way and wouldn't go lay down. I stepped away for a moment and heard what sounded like a kitten crying and knew she had had the first one. I peek over the stall door and look all around and don't see it. I'm wondering if it's possible for them to cry before they come out (I know not the brightest thought but couldn't see a baby goat anywhere and I had just stepped away and she was still standing there.) Anyway, I go in stall and there's the little baby under the door, mostly in the other stall. I picked it up, led the mama to the hay bed, laid her down and gave her the baby. Thank goodness she started licking it and cleaning it. And then I assisted with the next three that just kept coming pretty quickly. I would break the sac, wipe them off a bit, especially the face, hand them to mama. When the third one was born I thought we were done. Everyone was standing around watching (we had company of course) when they started saying "Look she's having another one". I'm saying "No, that's probably just the afterbirth". But, nope, little number four.

I just got in from checking on them. The babies are standing around the heaters in there. They are as cute as they can be.
How cute. Looks like a lot of work for the momma. Good thing you are on top of things.
We have raised goats for the last 7 years. Couple things I have learned:

It is almost impossible for a momma goat to successfully raise 4 babies. You have a good chance at making it work, but probably only if you help. Even if she did produce enough milk, thost three bigger ones are never going to let the weak one in. So, keep supplementing, and keep a close eye on everyone. I would force the nursing as much as possible, but you are going to need to physically remove the bigger ones so the little one can get in. If you haven't got any Goat Ade- get some. Give just a bit to the babies, kind of a vitamin boost, not a whole lot, ounce or so, (I am guessing cause I have big meat goats, not pygmys)- it is really just goat vitamins in molasses, but it is a great energy boost.

Laney- it actually is not completely uncommon for momma goats to give the babies a hard time about nursing. It is actually two fold- 1. the more momma shoves the baby around, the more the baby walks around, the stronger the baby gets and 2. I don't know if you ever had children, but goat mommas are the same as human mommas. When the milk comes in with the birth, it hurts like hades. Between being engorged and tender teets, some mommas take longer to let the baby settle on the teet. IF momma gets too engorged you may have to have someone hold her and milk her just a bit. If she is too filled up the baby will not be able to latch properly. More than once we have had to milk a momma just so a baby could grab ahold. Looks like you are doing good with her, but wanted to mention it is not an entire suprise that she is acting this way. Just keep tabs on them, and hold them baby and force he to let it nurse if you have to.

Congrats to you both!
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Thanks for posting this. We're getting ready for our babies, too, and this explained a lot.

I hope everything works out well with the babies! Four is a LOT!!!

Congrats! Darn, I can't see the pics at work so I'll have to wait until I get home.

I'd keep all the babies with her, but supplement the smallest one. You can also hold him and let him nurse before the other babies. I would let the other three nurse off mom and not supplement them unless you think they need it.

My Oberhasli is due in March. Can't wait!
One thing I wanted to mention for the Mama is to make sure you watch her. Everyone is talking about supplementing the babies...but nursing 4 babies is going to take a lot out of her. Make sure you up her ration to compensate for nursing extra babies.

We all increase a nursing Mama's ration, but we might not think that we need to increase it extra when she is nursing that many babies!


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