Partridge Silkies - Nothing else


Young partridge Rooster?? I thought he was a hen but now I'm thinking different.

Young partridge Rooster?? I thought he was a hen but now I'm thinking different.

He is looking like a rooster. The leg shape, the way he holds his head back, the streamers developing, the way his tail is slightly pointed... It can be hard with silkies to know for sure. What age is he? It is usually pretty obvious by 10-15 weeks.

He's a very pretty color by the way. Buff with dark points, almost like a siamese cat. : )
They really aren't much different than hatching any other chicken egg. There is a good article in the learning section- HATCHING 101 if you are new to hatching. What are you using for an incubator and have you used it before? Turn it on a few days ahead, warm it up, see if the temperature and humidity hold steady before your eggs come. Generally shipped eggs are left to sit 12-24 hours before popping them in the incubator but that's covered in Hatching 101 too. I've hatched two batches of shipped silkie eggs this springs. Good luck!
They really aren't much different than hatching any other chicken egg. There is a good article in the learning section- HATCHING 101 if you are new to hatching.  What are you using for an incubator and have you used it before? Turn it on a few days ahead, warm it up, see if the temperature and humidity hold steady before your eggs come. Generally shipped eggs are left to sit 12-24 hours before popping them in the incubator but that's covered in Hatching 101 too. I've hatched two batches of shipped silkie eggs this springs. Good luck!

Thanks. This is my 2nd hatch. I have a Brinsea but it won't be ready right away so I plan on using my cheap manual for the first week. I thought bantams can be harder to hatch.. :)
Can anyone here give me some tips on incubating silkie eggs. I just ordered 6 partridge silkie eggs and want them to hatch so bad. Thanks.

Silkies are awesome little guys, a lot of fun to hatch. They aren't more difficult to hatch then other chickens, but depending on the genetics, some lines may be weaker then others and need more gentle handling. All my silkies and silkie mixes have done well, even when incubated and raised with standard chickens.

Good luck! : )
Silkies are awesome little guys, a lot of fun to hatch. They aren't more difficult to hatch then other chickens, but depending on the genetics, some lines may be weaker then others and need more gentle handling. All my silkies and silkie mixes have done well, even when incubated and raised with standard chickens.

Good luck!  : )

Thank you. :)
I can't read all 472 pages, but wondered if all chipmunk colored Silkie chicks are partridge?

Usually, yes. However, not all chipmunk patterned silkie-mixes are partridge. I learned that when my chipmunk-chick turned into a partially laced black-and-white cockerel. : )

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