Pasty Butt Won't Come Off! Please Help!!!!

The ACV with mothers goes in their drinking water- not on the bum
It will come off with either method, and lots of patience, like 10 or 15 minutes.  Be sure to put some

Vaseline or Neosporin or anything similar on their butt after they are clean to help the next poop slide off more easil, as well as soothe and protect, and help heal if needed.
I noticed 3 of my babies had pasty butt so I took a shallow dish, placed a washcloth on the bottom and put just enough warm water to cover the cloth. Then I added a small amount of baby wash. I let the chick stand on the cloth as I held her with one hand and with the other I took a baby washcloth and squeezed the warm water over her bottom then softly rubbed the poo off. It took maybe 2 or 3 min and no fluff came off and their bottoms look clean now. I just wrapped them in a soft dry washcloth to dry them off a little. 24 hours and so far so good! They are a week old now and I would be devastated if I lost 1 ............
I have 6 cochin bantam chicks and 2 of them have pasty butt. I ran warm water over the first one's butt, then tried to get it off but I accidentally pulled off some of her fluff! So, I set her under the heat lamp to dry. Then, I tried the next one by dunking her butt in a basin of warm water. That didn't work, either. I get off the main stuff, but there is always still some poop in their fluff. How can I get it off without getting her too wet and not pulling off any fluff? Please help!
I found baby oil on a ball of cotton gets the rest of the gob off after holding their little butts in some warm water for a minute or two. I learned that too warm or too cold a climate causes their gobby buts in the first place. Use a generous amount of baby oil and don't be afraid to pull gently on the gobby area. When it's ready it will usually all pull away and you are left with a fluffy happy baby chick smelling just like a real baby! If it won't all come off the first time just soak their butt in water again for another minute and repeat the baby oil. I didn't usually have to do it a second time. Good luck!
I've just been running their bums under some warm water, then putting some paper towels down in a large basin. After I've cleaned the poo, I put them in the basin and take a blow dryer and, as they lay down, I carefully blow dry them off. It is working out really well and hopefully I will post a pic later of my happy little peepers.
I used a cotton ball covered in warm water. You rubbed till it all comes off then put Vaseline around the vent. No bird has gotten it again!
i had a baby with pasty butt, plucked it off, and how his butt has been swollen and doesnt move like a normal chicks bum...makes me wonder if his vent formed properly...

this was it a few says ago...and it looks a bit worse now

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