PayPal/Hatching Eggs/Chicks Swap

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mine!!!! CPL chicks!!!

PPL $18
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How does shipping on the chicks work out. I know that we are responsible for shipping, does that include chicks? and what does that usually cost? :p ( I got chicks i can swap)


I buy chick shippers 5.50 including pad and shipping from McMurrary hatchery. Heat pack 2-3 and grogel 1

I sent 3 boxes of birds yesterday.

Chicks $17
Chicks $24
Juvie birds 7. $17.00

All express mail
Can you tell me more about your experience Arkansas Blues
Mine have been very healthy and active. As chicks they were extremely friendly. I put in a skittish rooster and now the pullets are shy. They will come up to me looking for treats but are jumpy if I try to pet them. The rooster is very non-people aggressive. Eggs are increasing in size. When the weather is warm they have laid quite well and egg size is increasing to large. They slow down when the weather gets below 25 degrees. I do not have additional heating or lightin in my coop. Excellent free-ranging birds and economical eaters. Beautiful even as juvies. Never went through the "velociraptor" stage. Mine looked like pigeons as juvies.
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