Peacock Lost by USPS

He still appears to be doing well. He has shown more interest in eating and drinking today. He still thinks he should have only bread though. When I didn't cave this afternoon he ate about half of his crumbles.

On another note, I spoke with a very nice lady that had called me on Thursday. She noticed that he didn't get sent out that day (this was the first delay, he was still supposed to be delivered on Saturday even after this), and offered to give him an apple and water. I wasn't sure if she had been able to do it since I told the guy I talked to when I returned the call to be very careful since he can fly and the box was still zip tied shut. Upon speaking to her yesterday I learned that she had given him both a whole apple and some water. I truly believe that she saved his life. Apparently he really liked the apple.

God Bless her!!

Did you try giving him an apple yet? If he liked it then, maybe he'll eat it now.
He still appears to be doing well. He has shown more interest in eating and drinking today. He still thinks he should have only bread though. When I didn't cave this afternoon he ate about half of his crumbles.

On another note, I spoke with a very nice lady that had called me on Thursday. She noticed that he didn't get sent out that day (this was the first delay, he was still supposed to be delivered on Saturday even after this), and offered to give him an apple and water. I wasn't sure if she had been able to do it since I told the guy I talked to when I returned the call to be very careful since he can fly and the box was still zip tied shut. Upon speaking to her yesterday I learned that she had given him both a whole apple and some water. I truly believe that she saved his life. Apparently he really liked the apple.

This is going to make me cry... so happy he is doing well!
I am glad to hear that is okay! That was very nice of that lady to do that. I hope he recovers fast so that you can enjoy the beauty of charcoal peafowl. They really are stunning.
Today, when I got home from work I noticed that he is very red on his face behind his nostrils and has a swollen throat. Originally I thought that he had gotten his head between the bars of the kennel (even though I don't see any way it would fit and he has shown no interest in coming that close to the front, also the red is in FRONT of the widest part of his head, not behind it) especially because his water container was knocked over, kicked to the back and the top was separated. I planned to move him outside immediately. (I have seen him eat, so I am assuming he is also drinking.) However, after I pulled him out I noticed the feathers on the back of his neck looked quite thin, and then I saw lice or mites. Is it possible that they caused the red on his face and the swollen throat? If not, what is the likely cause? Can Frontline be used on pea's, like chickens? I don't know what these bugs are, I assume they were able to take over because of the stress he has been under. Is there something that would work for everything they could possibly be? (This is why I was thinking Frontline.) Thanks!
Anything you use on chickens you should be able to use on peafowl, but I know nothing about using Frontline on chickens, so can't say you should. Lice and mites sure could irritate his skin on the outside, but if you're saying the inside of his throat is redder than usual, that's probably something else, possibly a bacterial infection or maybe even irritation from capillary worms.

You might want to contact the person you got him from and in as nice a way possible, let them know what's going on, 'cause if your boy has "bugs", the other birds he was with probably do, too. If I were a seller, I know I'd want to know.

Anything you use on chickens you should be able to use on peafowl, but I know nothing about using Frontline on chickens, so can't say you should. Lice and mites sure could irritate his skin on the outside, but if you're saying the inside of his throat is redder than usual, that's probably something else, possibly a bacterial infection or maybe even irritation from capillary worms.


The part that is red (bright red, not just a red tint) is the white skin on the face (not all, just the part toward the front). His throat is swollen. That part does not appear to be red. Let me see if I can get a picture that will show it.
Here are the WORST pictures in the world, but the first shows the red, and the second shows the swollen throat.


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