Pekin Duck Club!

I have found out that my chickens love the FF but not the ducks, they went 2 days w/o eating. So nom I'm back to feeding them one thing and the ducks another. But it is a good thing cux the ducks are drakes and they can not eat layer feed. It's hard on their organs, so it turned out to be the right thing. And my ducks still stay 3 feet away and come bedtime it's flight nite! lol
Hi! Quackers has also devolped quite a love for grapes, she will literally run over the other hens to get the grapes. It is frustrating that she won't let me pet her or pick her up, but she does stay a few feet from me, and we dig for worms together also, and wild raspberries! How do you handle your pools for your ducks? I change hes everyday, didn't know if you had some helpful tips! Her fav treats are mealworms, buy them from Lowes, they are cheaper there, peas, corn, and now grapes! she eats chicken feed grower/finisher from TSC, got her duck pellets, but the hens ate more of those than she did. she loves a good mud puddle! so glad to have found this thread! enjoy your day with your ducks, hope joy and olivia soon start coming to you better!
ello! Welcome to BYC! So about the pools. I have a kiddie pool for my three and all ya do is fill it up when you take care of them while feeding. Just dump it and rinse it out every time you fill it up! They love it! Hours of fun!! They play and splash! Well hope this helped. Bye for now!
Like I said Friday we got Laffy a new home with my mother in law and here it is:

I think he is quite happy. Taffy and the girls are now getting along and I think the girls worship him. They follow him everywhere and Yang has even stopped limping. We are a happy home again!!!! No fighting boys and no unhappy girls!!!

On another note: I never asked to be a part of the group I am sorry. Can you please add me If i am not already. Thank you
Hi! I just joined BYC so I could join this group! I've had chickens, geese, Muscovies, and other backyard animals, but Friday we got five Peking ducklings! We're naming them Andrew, Katrina, Floyd, Hazel, and Irene. Yes, I do live in a hurricane state :) They are so cute and sunny, especially compared to this dreary rainy weather.

I'm on my Kindle right now, but I'll be back when the boys are off the computer to fill in my profile!
Hi! I just joined BYC so I could join this group! I've had chickens, geese, Muscovies, and other backyard animals, but Friday we got five Peking ducklings! We're naming them Andrew, Katrina, Floyd, Hazel, and Irene. Yes, I do live in a hurricane state
They are so cute and sunny, especially compared to this dreary rainy weather.

I'm on my Kindle right now, but I'll be back when the boys are off the computer to fill in my profile!
I have 3 Pekins and are loving everything about them!!!! ENJOY!
I don't know if I am aloud to. There was a few. Who would I call and speak to before I get in trouble for stealing Ducks? I would catch everyone of them and bring them home, but I think I need to speak to someone.
Hello again! So today I just noticed that my only drake is getting his drake feather!!! Yay! I'm so excited! I filled up both of their pools for play time! They had so much fun! I do have one kinda awkward question: are there any signs as to when they are in the mood to mate? My drake Puffer was having A LOT of fun with one of the girls specifically (Delilah). But he is just now getting his drake feather so I know he's too young. How old does that mean he is? Thanks in advance!


Playing! :)

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