Pheasant Chicken Hybrids

:O I want a sumatra!!!!!!
I have plenty, and will probably be over-run with them by this fall. :) I won't be selling anything until fall, but by then I'll probably have bantam Sumatra, bantam Cubalaya, my own type of Silver Laced Polish bantam (smaller crests that point backwards so they don't interfere with the birds vision) and maybe a few other breeds. I don't have as many breeding pens set up this year as I would like because I've had several surgeries on my shoulder, and it makes it hard to get my work done. I hatch out all my eggs under broody hens.
I'll be posting more info on BYC later in the summer, but if anyone is interested in contacting me I can be reached at [email protected]
I have plenty, and will probably be over-run with them by this fall. :) I won't be selling anything until fall, but by then I'll probably have bantam Sumatra, bantam Cubalaya, my own type of Silver Laced Polish bantam (smaller crests that point backwards so they don't interfere with the birds vision) and maybe a few other breeds. I don't have as many breeding pens set up this year as I would like because I've had several surgeries on my shoulder, and it makes it hard to get my work done. I hatch out all my eggs under broody hens.
I'll be posting more info on BYC later in the summer, but if anyone is interested in contacting me I can be reached at [email protected]
My mom has been dying for a sumatra, and anything with long tails! But we cant afford the ones at our hatchery. ATM at least. I want to get her one for her birthday. In september.
Six days ago I set two bantam Sumatra hens on six Ringneck pheasant eggs each. Tomorrow I'll add another six bantam Sumatra eggs under one hen, and six bantam Cubalaya eggs under the other; hopefully the pheasant and chicken eggs will hatch out at the same time. I'll pen each hen with the chicks they hatch so the pheasant chicks will be raised by a chicken hen with chicken chicks. Hopefully this will confuse them as to what species they actually are. When they're reaching maturity I'll pen the best pheasant cockerel from each pen with the chicken pullets and foster mother he grew up with, and the best chicken cockerel from each pen with the pheasants pullets he grew up with. Hopefully next spring they'll breed and I'll get some Sumatra/pheasant and Cubalaya/pheasant hybrids. I eventually want to try to produce some Sumatra - Silver pheasant hybrids, I think that should make some beautiful birds.
For those of you who are against making hybrids because they threaten the purity of pheasant stocks, I'd like to remind you that Man has been producing mules; hybrids between the horse and the *** for an immeasurable amount of time without endangering the purity of either parent species. The only problem I can see with making hybrids between compatible species of pheasants is when people indiscriminately cross the closely related Golden and Lady Amherst pheasants, since the hybrids are fertile and can be bred back into either parent line, compromising their integrity as a pure species.
...For those of you who are against making hybrids because they threaten the purity of pheasant stocks, I'd like to remind you that Man has been producing mules; hybrids between the horse and the *** for an immeasurable amount of time without endangering the purity of either parent species. The only problem I can see with making hybrids between compatible species of pheasants is when people indiscriminately cross the closely related Golden and Lady Amherst pheasants, since the hybrids are fertile and can be bred back into either parent line, compromising their integrity as a pure species.
A reason why some are against hybridization is because of the last part that you said - that it compromises the purity of a species when the offspring are fertile. I think those that indicate their dislike for hybridization would care less about "hybridization with production of sterile offspring".

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