Picture thread of my hens!

New girls Rosie and Tina had scrambled egg for breakfast today. I'm off work tomorrow so they will be going for their first day out with my lot!




Well I let Tina and Rosie ex batts out for the first time today. They didn't want to come out of the shed but then my hens started to pick up on them being there. Top hen PL jumped into their sheds and both Rosie (boss of the two) and Tina srarted ganging up on her so it was like a big fight and i was trying to squeeze through the nest box to sort them out. PL kicked Rosie out the door and her and Tina wouldn't stop. So I split them up and Tina went outside. They started fighting again, so bottom hen Mabel joined in helping PL. I got Mabel out of the equation as I don't like 2 on 1 fights and then PL and Tina wouldn't back down so I had to separate them in the end and took PL away. Not sure why Rosie is the boss out of the two as Tina was holding her own much better! I put the two of them back in the shed after that as I didn't think it was fair on them having to meet all 16 on the same day as I do want them to get somewhere in the pecking order. You can see Orp in the pics trying to intimidate Tina but Tina just decided to go to sleep!

Watching the pecking order get sorted out can be very stressful. From the photo, the new girls seem very nonchalant towards the orp standing behind them. Hopefully the new girls will be able to hold their own.
Not sure if any of yous will remember this ex batt but I got her for a friend a couple months ago and look at her now!


[COLOR=141823]Not sure if any of yous will remember this ex batt but I got her for a friend a couple months ago and look at her now![/COLOR]




Doesn't even look like the same hen!

That girls life had a complete turn around. Way to go! That's so wonderful to see the difference a loving hand can make.

I notice non of your ex battery hens are debeaked. Is this something the egg factories don't do in the UK?

Doesn't even look like the same hen!

That girls life had a complete turn around. Way to go! That's so wonderful to see the difference a loving hand can make.

I notice non of your ex battery hens are debeaked. Is this something the egg factories don't do in the UK?

Soon your new ex batts will look as fluffy and happy as the ones your friend took in a couple of months ago. What a wonderful transformation.
Thank you! The UK do debeak but they seemed to have calmed down on it. Probably due to the new "enriched" cages.
I've got a dilemma. Today when I was walking down the field to the hens, they were all running behind me as usual. Lacey duck was at the back and decided to take off into flight and flew past everyone and landed infront of me. It's the first time I've seen her attempt to fly and she was successful! So... do I clip her wings to stop her flying away, or, do I leave her unclipped so she can easily escape ground predators? Daffy tried to fly too when he saw her take off but his wings were clipped by his previous owner.

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