Pictures of your home-made coops and runs!

Not yet finished but here are some pics of the coop. We have since put on a metal roof. The eaves are open but covered with chicken wire. Our main predator here is the hawk. The coop is 4X8. We have 5 buff Orpington chicks, they are only 2 weeks old so we have time before they head to the great outdoors. We are going with sand in the run in the summer and likely switch to straw in the winter. The droppings tray will always just have sand and Sweet PDZ in it. Originally I worried that we don't have enough ventilation but my husband pointed out that the wind almost never stops blowing here, so I don't think we are going to have a problem- if so adding an additional window will only take 30 mins, we have hot dry summers and mild winters, snow only a couple weeks and really cold only on occasion.
We were able to recycle almost all the materials for this building so we only spent about $125 on additional items- mostly nails, screws, and exterior paint. Oh, the run is an old dog run that is about 15x8 or so that we have mounted to the side of the coop, plus we have a 4x8 chicken tractor. Would love to let them free range but not really an option yet.

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I'm still working on ours. Hope to finish it in a few days so we can move the chicks into it. I've learned so much from all of you. This coop is my version of the Witchita Cabin Coop I saw in another section. Thanks to all. Bob
How many chickens do you have in this?
I noticed the pic was missing from my earlier post here. So here it is. Coop and electronet run.


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