Pictures of your home-made coops and runs!

Here's our new coop. It's not quite finished but we're on the downhill stretch. I've got three hens waiting to take residence and six chicks who will call it home as soon as they're big enough to join the rest of the flock.

Ordered hardware cloth this morning for the windows and we're finishing up the hardware and interior. Then we need to paint the inside. UGH! Haven't decided what to do with the outside. I rather like the look of the wood and may do some sort of stain type finish. Daughter is an artist and she's been mulling some ideas. Any suggestions?


Great looking coop! Love the siding treatment and all of the windows. Personally, I'd go with a stain. Easier to maintain and I think it would go well with the coop design and setting. Looks great!

Thanks! I must admit that my husband surprised me when it turned out like this. I knew I wanted a lot of light and ventilation so we began salvaging windows about a year ago. Amazed at how many we collected in that period of time and believe we may still have a few left. Figured the more free stuff we used, the less we'd have to buy of anything else.

I'm leaning heavily toward staining the coop. I've always liked the natural look of wood and it would fit better with the setting.
Oh wow seeing all these awesome coops almost makes me not want to post mine!

Well I'm still proud of mine, my friend and I built it, it took a few long days in the summer and it withstood a 40 foot tree falling on it!

Beginning construction, day 1. I was weeding out all the crabgrass and plants I didn't want in there. My lab, Russell, was "helping" by guarding the hen house.

This was after the tree fell on it during the tornado. That tree was so overgrown with vines, it kinda had to go anyways. Just not like that :(

Another picture of the tree, showing just how heavy it was. It snapped all the wooden beams we had going across the roof.

This is the coop now, with all my babies running to me after I got off work!

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