Pictures of your home-made coops and runs!

I raised mine off the ground for a couple of reasons. We have groundhogs all over the place here, and I didn't want one to dig a burrow underneath the coop. They can have the shed, but not the coop! Also, raising the coop gives the hens a place to have extra shade in the summer, and a place to go for cover (predators) all year round. Another benefit is that it always stays dry under the coop, and there is no mud there. My chickens enjoy dust baths.
Heres my homemade:) First structure I ever put up so a bit rough and ive had to make small modifications in the 6 months of use. I have 19 chickens total...15 being bantams in which I built a couple small interior pens to divide a trio and quails
(not a completed pic but you get the idea
Heres the 3x3

Its been winterized now which is the reason for cardboard and plastic
O I get it. I have ducks only, maybe I should build a coop up off teh ground, they really like their dogloo house though and I like that is round inside and they cant get their wings caught on anything, I have hay on the bottom inside so they can nestle in and sleep at night but their pen (totally enclosed 6x10x6) is now all mud, they love the mud too. Im thinking pea gravel to keep the mud down thinking I could just wash the poo through teh pea gravel. In the daytime I turn them out to a semi grassy back yard and a 350 gallon pond so they love that.
Texas Redneck Coop


Inside (front to back)

Inside (back to front)
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