Pipd's Peeps!

Ha!Sorry chickens you have snow!We are supposed to get a ice storm tomarrow :oops:
Callette is so cute and very pretty!I myself might get some Silver Dorkings next year!
Tell Rangi her face is indeed of DERP!
Urmu, don't, just don't be a dummy!
Indigo, take that grumpy look of your face and put it in he trash.
same with you Flury!
Ihi has to much to say about her day, huh? :rolleyes:
She Who looks very serevere! :lol:
Marka, marka :rolleyes: don't be broody!ha!
ohhhOHH!Trudi and Malcom are SO Cute! maybe??......??? I'm not sure :idunno:
I'm so sorry about Cordy Pipd, :hugs I hope you and Donna feel better soon.

Oh, you should definitely get some Dorkings if you can! I just can't get enough of these big, sweet, snuggly gals! :love My absolute favorite breed!

Yuck about the ice storm. I think we got a little bit of that this evening, but it switched back to snow. Tomorrow's going to be just delightful. :sick I know it's hard to tell, but I'm not a fan of winter weather.

Thanks for the hugs. :hugs Fortunately, Donna hasn't let it keep her down too much. I could tell she was upset at first, but she's already back to the nosy little spitfire she's always been. She probably has to keep her attitude up to make sure Roscoe stays in line. :rolleyes:
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Oh, you should definitely get some Dorkings if you can! I just can't get enough of these big, sweet, snuggly gals! :love My absolute favorite breed!

Yuck about the ice storm. I think we got a little bit of that this evening, but it switched back to snow. Tomorrow's going to be just delightful. :sick I know it's hard to tell, but I'm not a fan of winter weather.

Thanks for the hugs. :hugs Fortunately, Donna hasn't let it keep her down too much. I could tell she was upset at first, but she's already back to the nosy little spitfire she's always been. She probably has to keep her attitude up to make sure Roscoe stays in line. :rolleyes:

I'm gonna try!Mom says no more chickens for a while tho.:(

Yeah, it's already snowing and it's only 7:22 AM Eastren Time.It started at midnight.
Well that's good.Ah, yes, she has to keep little Roscoe in line.
Cute pics and they do have an attitude about the snow don't they. You can sure tell they don't like it one bit. At least they have the big porch you built for them and they have lots more room. I left mine shut in the coop a couple of days ago because the temps we not getting above freezing. They didn't like it one bit but they survived. It looks like we are getting rain today that's better then snow.

I'm glad the egg had a bullseye. I can't wait to see if you hatch any of those silky cochins. Their going to be the cute chicks.

The cookies sounds delicious. I need to bake some cookies for Christmas. They eat them faster then I can bake them everyone loves cookies around here.

Have a great day and be careful if you have to drive or walk on the snow.
I'm gonna try!Mom says no more chickens for a while tho.:(

Yeah, it's already snowing and it's only 7:22 AM Eastren Time.It started at midnight.
Well that's good.Ah, yes, she has to keep little Roscoe in line.

Aw, that's no fun! The snow and the no chickens! :p We ended up with something around 7 inches of snow, and we're supposed to get more today. AND it's supposed to get into negative temps on Thursday. Yuck!

Cute pics and they do have an attitude about the snow don't they.  You can sure tell they don't like it one bit.  At least they have the big porch you built for them and they have lots more room.  I left mine shut in the coop a couple of days ago because the temps we not getting above freezing.  They didn't like it one bit but they survived.  It looks like we are getting rain today that's better then snow.  

I'm glad the egg had a bullseye.  I can't wait to see if you hatch any of those silky cochins.  Their going to be the cute chicks.  

The cookies sounds delicious.  I need to bake some cookies for Christmas.  They eat them faster then I can bake them everyone loves cookies around here.  

Have a great day and be careful if you have to drive or walk on the snow.  

Ain't that the truth! The cookies I baked a few days ago are already gone! :eek: The girls aren't laying much or I would make more.

The girls are loving having the deck! I didn't bother opening the pop door to the mini yard today because they would rather stay inside or on the deck anyway. They seem happy, scratching and pecking in the old shavings I left on the deck. I had to put Umru outside again, though. I just don't have a pen big enough for him to be in all the time without taking up too much space on the deck. He's too GIANT. He's got shelter, food, and water, though, so he should be fine--as long as he's smart enough to actually use his shelter. :rolleyes:

I have my Physics final tomorrow. I'm a little nervous, but not as much as for the one on Friday. Organic chemistry. There is just so much that I have to memorize for that one... Anyway, I'll likely not post much if at all for the next three days, so see y'all this weekend! :)
Aw, that's no fun! The snow and the no chickens! :p We ended up with something around 7 inches of snow, and we're supposed to get more today. AND it's supposed to get into negative temps on Thursday. Yuck!
Ain't that the truth! The cookies I baked a few days ago are already gone! :eek: The girls aren't laying much or I would make more.

The girls are loving having the deck! I didn't bother opening the pop door to the mini yard today because they would rather stay inside or on the deck anyway. They seem happy, scratching and pecking in the old shavings I left on the deck. I had to put Umru outside again, though. I just don't have a pen big enough for him to be in all the time without taking up too much space on the deck. He's too GIANT. He's got shelter, food, and water, though, so he should be fine--as long as he's smart enough to actually use his shelter. :rolleyes:

I have my Physics final tomorrow. I'm a little nervous, but not as much as for the one on Friday. Organic chemistry. There is just so much that I have to memorize for that one... Anyway, I'll likely not post much if at all for the next three days, so see y'all this weekend! :)

Ha!ew, no fun.I had to to shovel away all the snow around the car to help my mom get out.Wow!We have at least 6 inches and supposed to get 4 more on Saturday with high winds on Friday.And of course I have my birthday party on Thursday and its only supposed to me 18F.Ugh!This weather drives me nuts!
Poor, poor Urmu! :lol::rolleyes:
Wow thats a lot of snow we haven't got any yet but I'm sure it's coming soon. Stay warm with those negative temps that makes me have goosebumps thinking about it.

Poor Umru does he bother the girls when he is in the coop with the others? I'm sure his size makes him the most unfavorite roo you have with the girls.

Do you still have your guinea boys? We still have Mary Jane and Spiderman. They don't like wintertime thats for sure. They want to come inside the house where it is warm. I let them in every morning to warm up and to socialize a little bit. They haven't outgrown sitting on my lap yet. They enjoy a good neck rub and back scratch.

Good luck with your tests I'm sure you will do fine. Have a great day and be careful driving.
Well, it's over. I got home about an hour ago from my final final of the semester. I have a mix of relief and worry going right now. The final I had today, I absolutely HAVE to pass the class or I will have to wait a year and do it again before I can continue toward my degree. It's been an anxious few days and that anxiety built up until I reached my breaking point this morning--but I managed to get it together and tough it through. Now my fingers and toes and everything else are crossed with the hopes that I pass that class!

Yesterday's final was open note and open book, but I still somehow managed to do poorly on it. :/ Still, I passed the class, so I can't complain too much...

And Wednesday's final? Over the past few weeks, that professor had been telling us what would be on that final. I studied that part until I could not see straight. I got in there and I was ready to take it on, only to find out that the final was COMPLETELY different than what he had been telling us. It was so disappointing to feel so confident and be knocked down so suddenly. Hopefully I pulled it together well enough to do well on that. I had already passed the class by that point, so all that final counts for is whether I will pass with a C or a B.

So, the stressful and disheartening past few days are over at least. :th I have 3 weeks to focus on what's important--my girls :D --and then it's back to the grind.

On the topic of the chickens, I realized a day or two ago that if I didn't set the eggs from the Silkied Cochins soon, I would have them hatching during next semester! So yesterday, I got everything around and set the 4 eggs I had put aside from Donna. Donna had laid one last egg by the time I got home from my final today, so I went ahead and put it in as well. It might hatch a day later, but I figure it'll be fine. I am doing this by the book, so I've recorded all of their weights and will record them on days 7, 14, and 18 of incubation so that I can calculate weight loss to make sure things are going optimally. As such, I also marked the eggs so I can tell them apart. I thought I would be clever and make them all the 'first' egg, so three of them are Egg A, Egg 1, and Egg Alpha (with this symbol on the egg itself: α ). I ran out of ideas, so the fourth egg is Egg L, which stands for 'Lucky' because it was laid on the 13th. The egg I set today is Egg Omega (with this symbol: Ω ) since it's starting in last. Due date January 5, 2017! Well, and January 6 for Omega. I don't know, I need a break from thinking. :lol:

I got a couple pictures of Crashie yesterday because she was being cute--I will get those posted soon, but right now I need to get the coops closed for the night!

For now, here's a picture of a curious little Tufted Titmouse that visited a couple days ago. :love Isn't he cute?


Ha!ew, no fun.I had to to shovel away all the snow around the car to help my mom get out.Wow!We have at least 6 inches and supposed to get 4 more on Saturday with high winds on Friday.And of course I have my birthday party on Thursday and its only supposed to me 18F.Ugh!This weather drives me nuts!
Poor, poor Urmu! :lol::rolleyes:

Ugh, yes, I HATE this weather! We're just starting into winter and I already can't wait for it to be over! Although, the girls sure seem to like winter cold more than summer heat... I guess that's something my girls and I will have to agree to disagree on. :p

Wow thats a lot of snow we haven't got any yet but I'm sure it's coming soon.  Stay warm with those negative temps that makes me have goosebumps thinking about it.  

Poor Umru does he bother the girls when he is in the coop with the others?  I'm sure his size makes him the most unfavorite roo  you have with the girls.  

Do  you still have your guinea boys?  We still have Mary Jane and Spiderman.  They don't like wintertime thats for sure.  They want to come inside the house where it is warm.  I let them in every morning to warm  up and to socialize a little bit.  They haven't outgrown sitting on my lap yet.  They enjoy a good neck rub and back scratch.  

Good luck with your tests I'm sure  you will do fine.  Have a great day and be careful driving.

I really haven't given Umru a chance with the girls, mostly because I haven't had the time to, but also because with the snow on the ground and them confined to the coop and deck, I don't want him causing problems. He's done pretty well in the past when he's been in with the flock, but I had to take him out because he was acting pretty aggressive toward Donna and Roscoe, and as big as he is compared to how small they are, I wasn't taking chances on him hurting one of them!

I do still have the Guinea boys, and they don't like winter, either! Unlike the hens, they absolutely refuse to touch snow, so I have to watch out if I'm out there in case one of them is on one of the high perches or flying around! You're so lucky your Guineas are so friendly! Mine would sleep in my hands as keets, but they won't let me within a few feet of them now without panicking. :rolleyes:
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Heehee, I know! Such a cutie! :love That afternoon, we were also visited by a lovely group of Dark-Eyed Juncos (one of my favorite native species of bird), and Mr. Cardinal posed for a nice shot, too, albeit at more of a modest distance than that Titmouse.


Here are the pictures of Crashie, as promised! :) Not as many turned out as nice as I had hoped, but here are the good ones.

The ducky, herself:


My little ducky manicurist :lol: All she does is nibble gently at your fingers. She'll do it for hours if you let her, though!


QUACK! :th This picture doesn't capture the sheer volume of the voice that was coming from that little beak!

Well, it's over. I got home about an hour ago from my final final of the semester. I have a mix of relief and worry going right now. The final I had today, I absolutely HAVE to pass the class or I will have to wait a year and do it again before I can continue toward my degree. It's been an anxious few days and that anxiety built up until I reached my breaking point this morning--but I managed to get it together and tough it through. Now my fingers and toes and everything else are crossed with the hopes that I pass that class!

Yesterday's final was open note and open book, but I still somehow managed to do poorly on it.
Still, I passed the class, so I can't complain too much...

And Wednesday's final? Over the past few weeks, that professor had been telling us what would be on that final. I studied that part until I could not see straight. I got in there and I was ready to take it on, only to find out that the final was COMPLETELY different than what he had been telling us. It was so disappointing to feel so confident and be knocked down so suddenly. Hopefully I pulled it together well enough to do well on that. I had already passed the class by that point, so all that final counts for is whether I will pass with a C or a B.

So, the stressful and disheartening past few days are over at least.
I have 3 weeks to focus on what's important--my girls
--and then it's back to the grind.

On the topic of the chickens, I realized a day or two ago that if I didn't set the eggs from the Silkied Cochins soon, I would have them hatching during next semester! So yesterday, I got everything around and set the 4 eggs I had put aside from Donna. Donna had laid one last egg by the time I got home from my final today, so I went ahead and put it in as well. It might hatch a day later, but I figure it'll be fine. I am doing this by the book, so I've recorded all of their weights and will record them on days 7, 14, and 18 of incubation so that I can calculate weight loss to make sure things are going optimally. As such, I also marked the eggs so I can tell them apart. I thought I would be clever and make them all the 'first' egg, so three of them are Egg A, Egg 1, and Egg Alpha (with this symbol on the egg itself: α ). I ran out of ideas, so the fourth egg is Egg L, which stands for 'Lucky' because it was laid on the 13th. The egg I set today is Egg Omega (with this symbol: Ω ) since it's starting in last. Due date January 5, 2017! Well, and January 6 for Omega. I don't know, I need a break from thinking.

I got a couple pictures of Crashie yesterday because she was being cute--I will get those posted soon, but right now I need to get the coops closed for the night!

For now, here's a picture of a curious little Tufted Titmouse that visited a couple days ago.
Isn't he cute?

Ugh, yes, I HATE this weather! We're just starting into winter and I already can't wait for it to be over! Although, the girls sure seem to like winter cold more than summer heat... I guess that's something my girls and I will have to agree to disagree on.

I really haven't given Umru a chance with the girls, mostly because I haven't had the time to, but also because with the snow on the ground and them confined to the coop and deck, I don't want him causing problems. He's done pretty well in the past when he's been in with the flock, but I had to take him out because he was acting pretty aggressive toward Donna and Roscoe, and as big as he is compared to how small they are, I wasn't taking chances on him hurting one of them!

I do still have the Guinea boys, and they don't like winter, either! Unlike the hens, they absolutely refuse to touch snow, so I have to watch out if I'm out there in case one of them is on one of the high perches or flying around! You're so lucky your Guineas are so friendly! Mine would sleep in my hands as keets, but they won't let me within a few feet of them now without panicking.
The titmouse is so cute I don't think I've ever seen one before. It was in the 20s last night and I get up this morning and it's in the 50s. This is crazy weather we are having. Tonight it's suppose to get cold again.

I wish my ducks were as tame as the guineas. They will not let me within two foot of them. Well I do have 3 that will eat out of my hand but they don't allow any petting at all. Even the little duck that I found hatching all by herself and helped her out of her shell won't let me pick her up. She lived in the house for a couple of months keeping Turbo company my little handicapped duck. They are in my avitar. Turbo passed away and she joined the flock and I think they told her not to socialize with us.

You worry to much about the tests.
I'm sure you will do fine and if you don't you'll have a head start on next years class which I don't think will happen.

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