Pipd's Peeps!

Hi, all! I've had a looong week, but I now have a 6-day weekend thanks to fall break and only having the two classes this semester! :D So, how about some pictures? These are actually from yesterday, when I was unwinding after cleaning the coop by sitting with the gals under the big ol' cedar tree in the chicken yard. I only had my phone on me, so some of them aren't the best of quality, but they're too cute not to share. Any time I have my phone out out there, though, I see a lot of faces like these, not because they want to peck at the camera lens, but because they're curious about the little cover for the earphone plug! :lol:

Vivi (Black Marans) :

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Callette (Silver Gray Dorking (SGD)) :

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Ida (Mottled Cochin bantam (MCB) and I have no idea what she got all over her face!) :

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Myrna (SGD) :

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Bry and Sylvie :love (MCBs)

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Okay, there are way more pictures than I realized, so let's just get to it! :D

Bryony the sleepy li'l puffball :love :love (MCB)

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Fancy, looking stunning after her molt! :love (Partridge Rock)

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Huka, just starting her molt. (Silver Lakenvelder) I love the various tails in the background here! :D

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Ida bein' a cutie! :love :love (MCB)

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JoseFIEND! I was holding her because she kept pinching me otherwise!! :rant (Black (gold?) Marans)

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Look at how pretty her feathers shine, though! :love

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Dorking? What Dorking? Kita knows of no such bird here... (SGD)

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Here's Kita again, in Kitato form. :gig

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Perched babies! :love :love Ooooh, these little faces! (Rooster row in the background, which the girls pulled part of the plastic sheeting off of--add it to the list for winterizing :rolleyes: )

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A little later, just Vira and Ida remained, choosing the most awkward location to sit. :lol:

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Reinette. She's in mid molt and super serious about that! (Wheaten Marans)

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Roha, being jealous of everyone else for getting my attention. :rolleyes: (Exchequer Leghorn)

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Here's Rooska and her pretty eyes :love She's molting in a weird pattern around her eyes, of all places... (Lavender Orpington)

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Sweet li'l Sylvie :love (MCB)

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Vira, who's got a little attitude going now if you couldn't tell by the picture! :rant (MCB)

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And lastly, Wynne being a derp, as always. :lol: (Easter-egger)

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And I think that's all. :) Since I'll have so much time this weekend, I'll get some better pictures of the babies individually as an update for them. I think it's been about a month since the last update on them, so it's long overdue!
Darlings :love
You know, I always forget to include the breeds despite saying I would at the beginning of this thread. View attachment 1558472 I edited the post so that breeds are listed with them. :)

I definitely will enjoy the break! Not that it's been an overly strenuous semester as is, but it is following a particularly busy spot, so it does make a good time for a rest. :D
That was nice of you to do that. I guessed before you posted and got some right. :p

Aren't they, though? :love Those poofy little Cochin bantams in particular sure bring out the ridiculous, babbling baby talker in me. :lol: :oops:

That was nice of you to do that. I guessed before you posted and got some right. :p

Not a problem! I'll try to remember to do that more often... but feel free to yell at me if I forget. :lol: Nice job guessing! Some of those breeds are a bit more on the obscure side. :)
Aren't they, though? :love Those poofy little Cochin bantams in particular sure bring out the ridiculous, babbling baby talker in me. :lol: :oops:

Not a problem! I'll try to remember to do that more often... but feel free to yell at me if I forget. :lol: Nice job guessing! Some of those breeds are a bit more on the obscure side. :)
Some should mean "a few". :D
Here are the update baby pictures! I even got the Marans girls while I was at it! :D I will start with them, at 32 weeks old (if I've counted correctly :p )

Vivienne :love You can only tell that she's molting by her comb and tail feathers.


Lovely Mavis, Birchen (tainted by Mahogany) Marans. :love This is a bird who knows she's gorgeous! I believe she may be starting a molt as well, as I haven't seen any of her artistically speckled eggs in a while and her comb looks like it may be shrinking, too. :confused: Crazy birds!


And, the hardest of all to get a picture of, miss Josephine, the only of her sisters who's still laying. That mess of pins and black feathers in the background is their mother, Nadine, who is having her first molt in her second year like a normal chicken. :lol:


Next, the Silkied Cochin babies! They are about 22 weeks old as of today and starting to look like grown up chickens instead of skinny little fuzzballs. :p

Here's Russell:




And li'l miss Roxanne :love She reminds me so much of Donna at this age!


Finally, the Meyer babies, who are 21 weeks old, can you believe it?! :eek: First, my sweet li'l Dorkings :love



And Myrna:


And the Mottled Cochin babies, who are probably the hardest birds I have ever fought with to get pictures of--except for Vira! No trace of her eyebrows remaining. :( But she's still unbelievably adorable even without them! :love


Bryony was next easiest, but her constant movement didn't make it too simple to get a good picture of her. :rolleyes:


Ida, who wouldn't come all the way out of the bushes for a good shot! :rant


Sylvie, who I stalked for probably close to an hour and this was the best I got of her. :he

And Jasper, who posed nicely, but BLINKED! :barnie


I have a bunch more pictures to post, both of the kids and of the big girls, but I haven't gotten around to cropping them yet. I'll probably get those posted tomorrow...
sheepish shrug.gif
Here are the update baby pictures! I even got the Marans girls while I was at it! :D I will start with them, at 32 weeks old (if I've counted correctly :p )

Vivienne :love You can only tell that she's molting by her comb and tail feathers.

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Lovely Mavis, Birchen (tainted by Mahogany) Marans. :love This is a bird who knows she's gorgeous! I believe she may be starting a molt as well, as I haven't seen any of her artistically speckled eggs in a while and her comb looks like it may be shrinking, too. :confused: Crazy birds!

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And, the hardest of all to get a picture of, miss Josephine, the only of her sisters who's still laying. That mess of pins and black feathers in the background is their mother, Nadine, who is having her first molt in her second year like a normal chicken. :lol:

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Next, the Silkied Cochin babies! They are about 22 weeks old as of today and starting to look like grown up chickens instead of skinny little fuzzballs. :p

Here's Russell:

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And li'l miss Roxanne :love She reminds me so much of Donna at this age!

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Finally, the Meyer babies, who are 21 weeks old, can you believe it?! :eek: First, my sweet li'l Dorkings :love


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And Myrna:

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And the Mottled Cochin babies, who are probably the hardest birds I have ever fought with to get pictures of--except for Vira! No trace of her eyebrows remaining. :( But she's still unbelievably adorable even without them! :love

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Bryony was next easiest, but her constant movement didn't make it too simple to get a good picture of her. :rolleyes:

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Ida, who wouldn't come all the way out of the bushes for a good shot! :rant

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Sylvie, who I stalked for probably close to an hour and this was the best I got of her. :he
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And Jasper, who posed nicely, but BLINKED! :barnie

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I have a bunch more pictures to post, both of the kids and of the big girls, but I haven't gotten around to cropping them yet. I'll probably get those posted tomorrow... View attachment 1560007
They are beautiful! Those Cochin babies are cute little puff balls:love
They are!!
love shower.gif
I'm so in love with these little guys!

Here are the rest of yesterday's pictures! :) Roxy says she's having a sun bath, you got a problem with that?!

Roxy sun bath.jpg

Here's her big sister, Abra, giving me looks. :lol: A few months ago, Abie injured the back of her comb somehow, so she now has a comb over. :p

Abra comb over.jpg

Here's Crashie! She is absolutely thriving outside! She still yells at me when she hears me, but she loves playing in the mud and is going in the coop by herself most nights. :) Still haven't gotten her to figure out the steps to the pool, though! :rolleyes:


Marka the Silkie is in here somewhere. :lol:


Mavis being fabulous :love


Roscoe, Abra and Roxy's dad, checking out what's going on. I wish the fence wasn't in the way, but he was being too adorable not to appreciate. :love

Roscoe checking in.jpg

Here's an 'outtake' from Vira's picture in my last post. :lol: What a look!

Vira looks.jpg

Mavis again. She's so purdy! :love

Mavis close up.jpg

Death by cuteness!!! :love
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:love This is how Sylvie made up for giving me a hard time with her picture, I guess!

Sylvie cuteness.jpg

The last shot, here, is a couple of Dorks. :lol: That's Kita being a goof in the background while Myrna was trying to be serious and pose.

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They are!! View attachment 1560291 I'm so in love with these little guys!

Here are the rest of yesterday's pictures! :) Roxy says she's having a sun bath, you got a problem with that?!

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Here's her big sister, Abra, giving me looks. :lol: A few months ago, Abie injured the back of her comb somehow, so she now has a comb over. :p

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Here's Crashie! She is absolutely thriving outside! She still yells at me when she hears me, but she loves playing in the mud and is going in the coop by herself most nights. :) Still haven't gotten her to figure out the steps to the pool, though! :rolleyes:

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Marka the Silkie is in here somewhere. :lol:

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Mavis being fabulous :love

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Roscoe, Abra and Roxy's dad, checking out what's going on. I wish the fence wasn't in the way, but he was being too adorable not to appreciate. :love

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Here's an 'outtake' from Vira's picture in my last post. :lol: What a look!

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Mavis again. She's so purdy! :love

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Death by cuteness!!! :love View attachment 1560291 :love This is how Sylvie made up for giving me a hard time with her picture, I guess!

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The last shot, here, is a couple of Dorks. :lol: That's Kita being a goof in the background while Myrna was trying to be serious and pose.

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I love all your pics and captions!! Too funny!!:lol:
Thanks, glad you liked them. :)

I just had to stop by and share this picture from this morning. I keep the tools and supplies that I like to have on hand in one corner of the coop so that they're readily accessible. The shovel and rake, extra PDZ, and the cage pieces that I was using to keep Josephine and Mavis from laying eggs in the dropping trays just in case of a relapse. Well, since I'm down to a whopping 2 eggs a day right now, I've also been a bit lax on cleaning and replacing the nest boxes that have gotten dirty, and so there's a couple of them in the corner with the tools as well.

This morning, I went by that corner to get Jasper set up for the day (he sleeps in the small, dirt-floor wing of the coop in a dog crate and goes out to my mini-yard during the day; Winty's also been joining him during the day because he's been fixated on Abra and I'm giving her a bit of a break), and as I was coming back past to open the rest of the coop up for the girls, I noticed something peeking out of one of the dirty nest boxes at me.

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Yup, that's Roxanne. :gig She's always given me the feeling that she views me as just the lowly, food-bringing human of the flock, who is also good as a warm perch sometimes, but nothing more! This picture gives off a bit of the cat meme, "Human, I require your assistance," vibe. I helped her, of course, but not until after I got photographic evidence. ;)

So... I hope everyone's having a better Monday than Roxy so far. :p

Edited to clarify something
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We had a strange occurrence tonight. I got home from class tonight and let the girls out to free-range. With the seasonal change of sunrise and sunset, they only have maybe an hour and fifteen minutes of free-range time at the most after my Tuesday and Thursday classes. I didn't bother letting the Guineas out to range because of how little time there was, but they DID free-range yesterday.

At dusk, as I was walking down the path toward the Guinea coop to close them in for the night, I happened across Kiwi, the mostly blind, crooked-beaked Guinea hen, laying dead just off to the side in the grass. No feathers removed, no sign of damage or an attack of any sort, just dead. :(

I have no idea how she got out. There's a chance that she didn't coop up last night and I didn't notice, but she wasn't around the coop this morning, and I'm reasonably sure she would have been noticeable if she had been out. I definitely would have noticed if she was already laying there dead by that point. On top of that, I have no idea why she died. Most of the Guineas (including her) are at least 7 years old, maybe 8 (I can't remember for sure if I hatched that group one or two years after I got the first group), so I guess it could have been just old age? But that still doesn't explain how she got out...
head scratcher.gif
This is so bizarre...

Rest in peace, Kiwi. :(


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