PLANTED GARDEN TODAY - anybody planting yet?

peach poppy's, I have a pink one in bloom right now too, need to take a pic of it.



From closest to farthest Spinach, carrots (tall bushy stuff on left), bell peper's (right), potatoes (far right back), more bell peppers (far left back) and onion's all the way around. oh and some strawberry's.

My new cherry tree. It's actually nothing more than a stick in a pot with like 5 leaves and it all ready popped out a cherry!


This is one kind of weird geranium that my mom gave me. It blooms only once and takes like 8 years to get to that point then it dies... I'm SO looking forward to the bloom. It's starting to slap me every time I walk by.

This is the most recently planted bed. It's planted with the threen sister's planting method. Corn, green beans, and yellow crook neck summer squash. The green beans will grow up on the corn, the corn is really only there to hold the green beans with fresh corn as a bonus (we love to pick corn and toss it on the bar B Q so sweet!) and the squash conserves moisture by covering the bed.

My red baron peach tree. It's in it's second year. Last year the neighbor's kid's stole ALL but 4 peaches:mad:... this year... they moved


I bought this thinking it was going to bloom and die... that was 3 years ago.


Iv also got jalepeno plant's, celery, and all sorts of other plants.... So to answer your question... yah... I'm gardening... you couldn't KEEP me out of the garden! lol
ChickenBottom - - -

I have heard of Jalepeno Jelly - - but have never tried. I've seen it in road side vendors in the Carolinas.

I use Jalepeno's in my Salsa - - - Do you think the Datil peppers would be better in Salsa ? ?

We like a little bit of heat - - not mega heat.

If we were into heat I would grow cayenne or scotch bonnets. Actually, I like banna pepper sandwhiches, but they don't have the right flavor for salsa
Mrs. Green Thumbs :

peach poppy's, I have a pink one in bloom right now too, need to take a pic of it.

From closest to farthest Spinach, carrots (tall bushy stuff on left), bell peper's (right), potatoes (far right back), more bell peppers (far left back) and onion's all the way around. oh and some strawberry's.

My new cherry tree. It's actually nothing more than a stick in a pot with like 5 leaves and it all ready popped out a cherry!

This is one kind of weird geranium that my mom gave me. It blooms only once and takes like 8 years to get to that point then it dies... I'm SO looking forward to the bloom. It's starting to slap me every time I walk by.

This is the most recently planted bed. It's planted with the threen sister's planting method. Corn, green beans, and yellow crook neck summer squash. The green beans will grow up on the corn, the corn is really only there to hold the green beans with fresh corn as a bonus (we love to pick corn and toss it on the bar B Q so sweet!) and the squash conserves moisture by covering the bed.

My red baron peach tree. It's in it's second year. Last year the neighbor's kid's stole ALL but 4 peaches:mad:... this year... they moved

I bought this thinking it was going to bloom and die... that was 3 years ago.

Iv also got jalepeno plant's, celery, and all sorts of other plants.... So to answer your question... yah... I'm gardening... you couldn't KEEP me out of the garden! lol

thank you for posting that pretty delphinium! i love those flowers!

Math Ace, my dh makes habanero pepper jelly! and man is it HOT!​
PM me your address and I will send you a good selection of kinda-hot peppers that have da good flava!
Funny that I saw this today... right now actually. I just finished scrubbing the dirt from underneath my nails from transplanting some pretty plants my MIL gave me.

I figure if the flowering kind don't die on me, then I'll be good to go for the REAL THING! I'm gonna make some rows in the back part of the property and plant BEANS and CORN. LOL. It'll be fun to watch the little sprouts come in.
Here is today's harvest

I actually had just as many carrots that went woody. It was 90 last week, and today it is 61 degrees.
SO- the chickens got a wicked treat. I tried to run the carrots through the food processor, but some resisted mightily. I may have busted it.

ETA: Check out the random tomato! And the red pepper! Who knew? I found them hiding in the onion patch. There was a strawberry too--it didn't make it out of the garden....
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Garden is planted, two of them in fact. The list goes like this:

Tomatoes--several types including my favorite, Parks Whopper
Bell Peppers--green, yellow, red and orange
Yellow Squash
Corn, two varieties of sweet corn, one of them bi-colored
Brussels Sprouts

Lettuce Leaf Basil, Sweet Basil
Italian Flat-Leaf Parsley
German Thyme

We have an orchard with peach, cherry, pear and apple trees as well as a blueberry patch, wild blackberries, strawberry patch and a rhubarb patch.
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I've got a lot filling in finally... and managed to get in more lettuce seed the other day. My last batch never came up!


More Grapes:

Some tomatoes:

My front walkway Garden is filling in:

This side of the front walk garden I planted lettuce, leeks, squash, one tomato, bok choy and more fennel... and waiting for some stuff to pop up still.

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