PLANTED GARDEN TODAY - anybody planting yet?

Wow, congrats!
I have had the worse luck trying to start strawberries, not sure why..
I planted most of my garden this weekend.

So far, I have 3 rows of potatoes. 1) Last years unknown red 2) Yukon Gold and White Russet 3)Heirlooms Granola and Elba.
I have a hill of Hopi Pale Gray squash
Hill of gray zucchini
Hill of sugar pie pumpkins
2 Hills of moon and stars watermelon

1 row of Alabama Lady heirloom greenbean
1 pathetic row of peas
and the tomatoes! I have 60 tomato plants, 57 different varieities, all of them heirloom except for one hybrid Burpee 4th of July.

Also this weekend planted 11 red raspberries, Heritage and Latham. Also planted this spring 3 yellow raspberries, and 2 blacks.
Strawberries should be ripe here in 2 weeks.
How exciting!!! My yard and garden seem so small now.

I only have 14 tomato plants
Purple cherokee
Italian Market
White Wonder
Chocolate Cherry
Sweet 1000
Ether's Yellow Cherry

I got 2 crookneck squash, 2 Straight 8 Cukes, Leeks, 50 onions still to harvest and 8 garlic bulbs.

Then I have snow peas (7 plants) and shelling peas (18 plants), Bok choy, fennel, 6 watermelon plants, 4 bell peppers, 6 thai peppers, 2 ornamental peppers, and 3 5 gallon buckets of white potatoes.

Other then herbs, I don't have anymore room!!!!
Started plantin today! BEETS... I've done 4 rolls so far, 860 seeds and a TON more to go..............
Our strawberry patch is doing great grow berries grow! Should be gettin the rest of the gardens in though out this week
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i'm in wisconsin and my grandma always tells me to wait until after memorial weekend just to be safe. the weather this morning said we are supposed to get in the low 30's this week over night. so all our garden veggies are still in the house.
I'm in Michigan and slightly crazy but I started my spring gardening about four weeks ago. Last year I waited until May to plant peas and spinach and they didn't do well for me at all.

I had some Little Fingers carrots, swiss chard and Merveille des Quartres Saisons lettuce plants overwinter this year...crazy for here! BUT...we have very sandy, well-draining soil and had a lot of snow cover this year so I'm not completely shocked.

I've had my cabbage, kale, collard, Buttercrunch lettuce and turnips greens out for at least three weeks (all transplants I started) and my peas have been up now for about 2 weeks. LOTS of lettuce, spinach transplants and seeded spinach, Bull's Blood Beet transplants, and my beet and chard seeds are coming up along with some more carrot seeds sprouting. Oh, mustard greens and radishes! And garlic and shallots that I planted last fall have been up for at least 6 weeks and growing
Two weeks ago I put out my onion sets and the onion seedlings I started.

There were four nights I actually covered up the cabbage/cole crop bed but I let the other stuff just hang in there with some of the frosts and it all did fine. I've been planting and seeding a little of it every weekend for about a month.

I'm going to harvest some lettuce and mustard greens this weekend I do believe
Lots of good stuff for the chicks out there too

It's touchy for tomatoes, cukes, melons, squash and peppers here though...I can't even think about those until at least Memorial Day. I just got my seed potatoes in the mail so have to get a couple of beds ready for them this weekend. We do intensive raised bed planting. The sandy soil is so not-fertile that I have to add mass amounts of organic stuff to get it to hold any water at all.

I've been planting bare-root roses and berries (raspberry and blackberry) last month and have some blueberry bushes in pots on the deck waiting to go in the ground. I've got to get my strawberry bed ready this weekend too and will be planting 50 plants. I have to move my pepper and tomato and eggplant seedlings up into bigger pots this weekend and WEED WEED WEED...

I'll be crippled in bed with some ibuprofen Sunday night
I am in southern California. This video is almost a month old now. Everything in my garden is twice as big. I already harvested broccoli, carrots, lettuce, spinach, turnips, peas, green beans, zucchini, chives, bell peppers, and even a couple tomatoes. I need to make another video soon.

OK - - - so you have strawberries .

I have given 8 grocery bags of lettuce to my co workers in the last week. I harvested 4 lbs of spinach tonight. Also, I harvested about 4 lbs of beets.

My squash leaves are sooooo large they remind me of dumbo's ears. My bean plants are taking over the walk way.


I have given away 6 extra basil plants and 10 extra tomatoe plants.

We have gone from famine to feast.

My blueberries should be ripe soon. Between the blackberries and blueberries - --

MAYBE VFEM and I should make a trade. She could make some blackberry cobbler and I would be able to make some strawberry pie.

WOW - - I need a smilie.

I LOVE fresh beets. I had my first fresh beets last year - - - now I plant them every chance I get. I hear the leaves are better than the beets - - but I just didn't have time to try them out this year. I just pulled up the last of my beets.

STRAWBERRIES - - - I have some planted but no fruit. I don't think I am doing something right with them. They aren't dying or looking ill - - they just aren't producing.


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