Please help! Chicken wound from dog :(

Rose is out of surgery and doing great! Her heart rate is perfect and she's really snuggely. She's getting alot of attention and they're taking turns holding her.
They had to debrine a few areas but only had to suture her vent, it was tore and that is what I thought was her intestines coming out but it was just a piece of her vent. They're keeping her overnight so they can change her bandages in the morning because I don't feel comfortable doing that myself. They all love her over there and her doc said "she's really a special chicken". It's been a stressful few days but well worth it. I'm headed over there on my lunch break to bring her some food and see her. ♡♡♡

I am so very happy that she is recovering well. You've both had a really tough week but now you're out of the woods with the worst of it behind. No pun intended. Congratulations to both of you, dog attacks kill so many chickens every year but Rose odd not going to be one of them.
Yep she's home.No difficulty with the vent from what I can see. She's going to the bathroom just fine...I'm not looking forward to changing her bandage. It's tied on to little hoops they sewed into her skin. It's definitely going to be a challenge for us. But she's eating, drinking and seems to be chipper. She tried catching a fly a little bit ago and almost fell over... wish I would have had my phone handy to catch it on video. Hahaha. She's currently sleeping standing up, I think I'm going to fashion her a little perch now that she seems stronger. :)
Yep she's home.No difficulty with the vent from what I can see. She's going to the bathroom just fine...I'm not looking forward to changing her bandage. It's tied on to little hoops they sewed into her skin. It's definitely going to be a challenge for us. But she's eating, drinking and seems to be chipper. She tried catching a fly a little bit ago and almost fell over... wish I would have had my phone handy to catch it on video. Hahaha. She's currently sleeping standing up, I think I'm going to fashion her a little perch now that she seems stronger. :)

Oh that is just fantastic! I know how you feel about the bandage changing...raising animals had made deal with more blood than 4years in the army. I hate to see these gentle creatures hurting but once Rose is back in action you pride in her and knowledge that your chickens are just great hands is such peace of mind. Kudos to you!

I have found few things in life that being me peace the way these feathered friends do. I can't even imagine life without the anymore.
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Thanks! And thank you for your service! I definitely don't have the stomach for these wounds but it's gotten stronger in just these past few days. If any of these girls never got injured again, it would be too soon. Uuuf. It's tough on our hearts that's for sure! Thanks for cheering me on through this process. We all appreciate it so much! Here's a pic of Rose leaving the vet cute.
Any service I can do you and your lovely birds is my honor to perform. I understand your desire to keep your innocent birds from harm but one day illness or injury will come for you again. When that day comes, this will have made you stronger and better able to care for your charges. They know very well how much you care for them and if they are anything like my chickens, have dozens of ways to express their own gratitude for the hard work you put into their prosperity. That is such a great shot of Rose looking out the window. She looks alert and a lot better than just a few days ago. I am a sucker for happy endings and I think for Rose, as roughed up as she was, will make a full recovery. Don't be a stranger. We'd all like to see her again as her situation improves. Best Wishes.

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