Please help sex my peafowl!

Thank you, @KsKingBee - now I don't have to sell my home and move way out to the country. I love this bird.
Oh, I'm on an old farmstead which has been surrounded by the city in recent years. I am sure the noise of a male would not be tolerated. I have a big, wooded lot alongside a creek, and a barn-turned-aviary... but there are ordinances against roosters.
Sorry to be the bringer of bad news but peahens will call as well. Not as much as males, but they still do a locating call and an alarm call. So long as they have friends they don't do locating calls as much. I just felt like you should know that even peahens call.
Sorry to be the bringer of bad news but peahens will call as well. Not as much as males, but they still do a locating call and an alarm call. So long as they have friends they don't do locating calls as much. I just felt like you should know that even peahens call.
Thank you, I appreciate any peahen info that I can get.
This little girl honks now and again, but it is much quieter than our wild Canada geese. She has a Black Copper Maran pullet that has been her pal since Day 2 in the brooder, and they are now in the barn together. Hopefully, that should help her be happy and content.

Do you think a second peahen would be a better companion for her?

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