Plymouth Rock thread!

Here are my 3 Barred Plymouth Rock babies :love have had them a week now :)


They are adorable. Barred Rocks are real sweeties, although they can be shy. If you handle them regularly, though they should be good.
Hello all. I am looking for a breeder who has the Stuckey line of barred rocks. I am interested in getting some chicks or hatching eggs. Pm me if you have them or know who does. Thanks!
Hi everyone, this is my Barred Plymouth Rock hen, Bumblebee. She's a little more than a year old, has never laid an egg (apparently that's normal if the Rock is too fat, which she definitely is (or was)), and has always been a little out of it and unsociable. This, unfortunately, means that she's at the bottom of the pecking order and is bullied quite badly. I suspect that the other hens aren't letting her eat or drink, and she's become listless and subdued, so I've put her in daycare in the hens' teenage coop with some food and water, with the hope that she'll perk up again (as much as she can, what with being a general stick in the mud).

She's in isolation at the moment because the other four hens are relentlessly bullying her, and have been for weeks. My Isabrown is visible in the background being concerned.

Her left eye is perfectly normal, but her right eye is, and always has been, elongated and more like a rounded square. It's been like that since adolescence. She also has a swollen growth on one of her feet which has never hindered her. However, she's been acting very erratically lately. Today, when I couldn't find her with the other hens, I found her behind my house, wedged between the wall and an old sink trough, seemingly fine, but not responding to my voice, which the hens have learned is usually followed by the eating of delicious treats.

I took her inside and fed her some water with a syringe, and fed her some rolled oats. I've been noticing lately that the other hens (not one of them a fellow Rock) don't let her have their morning oats with them, and by the time they lose interest and leave, she's already been out in the garden, foraging, and doesn't go back in.

Her comb is startlingly pale (it looks pink in the light above, but it's very watered down). I've read that that's got something to do with dehydration, so hopefully she'll drink lots of water in daycare.

I'm wondering, even though this isn't a disease or emergencies thread, if anyone has ever experienced this kind of behaviour with this breed? She's never laid an egg in her life, so I don't think she's egg bound. We have some liquid calcium that we can feed her, would that help?

Any replies would be appreciated.
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I love my barred rock, Dottie. She is my sweetest chicken and one of my best egg layers. Here she is as a chick:


We are picking from our Silver pencil Plymouth rock chickens to enter into the youth fair. Standard of perfection says A disqualification is shanks and toes other than yellow or dusky yellow. Do you think these are yellow enough for show? We have another with lighter legs, but her body type and penciling is not nearly as nice. I really want my son to pick the bird with the best chance of qualifying. Opinions please, we are washing up chickens now and need guidance! Thanks

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