Polish roo eye gone and eye socket bleeding help

I too am very happy to hear he is improving. Many of us do all that we can and fight till the bitter end for them. I have proceeded in giving care to many animals where most would have given up,my thought is if the animal is showing signs of fighting to live,then i will fight for them.

Just recently(boxing day)my 150+lb,10 year old english mastiff dog(Molly)suffered a stroke,she woke up and had no feeling/strength in her front and back legs on the right side. I have been using a sling tied around her backside to maneuver her around. She is now regaining a small amount of strength/mobility,but stumbles and is very unsteady. Instead of putting her down,i am designing a wheelchair type device for her to get around,she is a fighter. So as you can see many of us think like you,we do everything in our power to help them.
He's still doing good today if I could get him to stop scratching whats left of it. Thank you all for the positivity! He had his last dose of the cipro yesterday and I was wondering if it would start to swell again could I give him more or is 5 days the most they can take cipro. I don't believe he will theres no swelling left at all just a few cuts where he keeps scratching at it and making it bleed I'm cleaning it as soon as I see him scratch at it to keep any new germs from getting in it I will post new pics as soon as I clear out my camera roll its full. I too never want to give up on any critter in need... I have a paralyzed kitten well he's about 7 months old now everyone said to put him to sleep he was attacked by a racoon before he was 3 weeks old and unfortunately it severed his spinal cord and damaged it and broke his pelvis.. He belonged to a feral cat and was living in an old car at my neighbors house I couldn't see putting him down just because he had no use of his back legs oh by the way we trapped the coon the next morning :) today he's a chubby lil crazy feller he climbs the couches plays like there's no tomorrow and despite his back legs not working he gets along great! Again thank you all without y'all I don't know what I would of done!!!!!!!!
Do you have any cortisone cream that you could put on the itchy spots? Maybe try covering his feet with 2 wash cloths and vet wrap or tape to make some "boxing gloves." It might drive him crazy, but worth a try. You sound like a real softy to help that little kitten like you have. Glad to hear that his swelling has finally gone down. Happy New Year to you and your family.
And here you have the wonderful advice of two award winning people who are here to encourage and advise best practice for the heartrending, dedicated and difficult work you are doing....never give up....while there is life...there is hope....

The spirit of you all is so refreshing.... people like you make the almost impossible...possible!

And Eggcessive sending prayers for your girl I haven't dealt with molting yet. I hope she gets thru it fine!
I am a softy lol and thank you i hope all of you Have. Happy New Year too :) yes I do have cortisone cream thanks for the advice on that and I'm going to do the cipro for 2 more days. Gonna get the meds in him and find my cortisone cream and get to work then Ill work on getting my camera roll empty and post a pic :)

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