Polish roo eye gone and eye socket bleeding help

Thank you Eggcessive! Bantambury I thought when we first brought him in after finding him that his eye was pecked out of the socket but after cleaning him up I seen him open his eye the wound is right above his eye. Castportpony unfortunately at the time when that picture was taken I didn't know that that was pus :( Im new to chickens and I thought that the yellow in the pic with the scab was inside parts to his head well he scratched the scab area off and then the swelling started I cleaned it up the best I could after I learned more about the wound but it closed up and I have no idea how to get it back open nor how to try and get the puss out pennicillin hasn't been helping him and I'm waiting on my order of flush flox to start him on that he's very swollen while cleaning him today when I began removing the yellow soft scab which builds back up within a few hours his wound didn't even have a pin hole opening anymore do you know how or what I can do to try and remove the puss that's under his swollen wound? Thanks for any advice I appreciate it!
Thank you Eggcessive! Bantambury I thought when we first brought him in after finding him that his eye was pecked out of the socket but after cleaning him up I seen him open his eye the wound is right above his eye. Castportpony unfortunately at the time when that picture was taken I didn't know that that was pus
Im new to chickens and I thought that the yellow in the pic with the scab was inside parts to his head well he scratched the scab area off and then the swelling started I cleaned it up the best I could after I learned more about the wound but it closed up and I have no idea how to get it back open nor how to try and get the puss out pennicillin hasn't been helping him and I'm waiting on my order of flush flox to start him on that he's very swollen while cleaning him today when I began removing the yellow soft scab which builds back up within a few hours his wound didn't even have a pin hole opening anymore do you know how or what I can do to try and remove the puss that's under his swollen wound? Thanks for any advice I appreciate it!

how is he now?
Still very swollen. He's still drinking and eating but I don't know how to remove the puss in his closed up wound.
Thank you! Would I do it just like they did on the peafowl. And how do you keep him still while trying to cut it open?
Never mind I see they have him restrained in a bag with duct tape. I haven't tried yet ive cleaned him up again held warm compresses to his wound trying to see if the puss will come to the surface more.
Never mind I see they have him restrained in a bag with duct tape. I haven't tried yet ive cleaned him up again held warm compresses to his wound trying to see if the puss will come to the surface more.
You could also wrap him in a towel.

Wrapping in a towel being cradled by another person is the way I do bumblefoot surgery, and they stay pretty calm. Wish we could help you, but I haven't done it before.
FYI it's been my experience that unless you remove the pus, antibiotics won't work, the pus will keep the area from healing, Here is a skull picture, it might help you do your surgery.
It's not a chicken, but it should work.

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Thank you all!!! We're getting ready to do it I've sterilized everything I'm just trying to get my nerve up I'm squeamish about it especially I'm afraid he won't stop bleeding is there any veins in that area or do y'all know sorry I ask so many questions I just don't want to kill him wish me luck!

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