Post here if you DON'T wash clean-looking eggs

Let me change my previous post as I just found out for NYS it is law that they are washed. So now I candle and wash every egg

Good thing I only work part time....
I take a paper towel and rub off the poop bits but so few of them are dirty anyway.

I put them in the carton and just before I use them - I wash them in cool water in the sink. I even wash store bought eggs in the sink before I use them.

I was at an egg ranch one time - a big one. A friend of mine was a manager at it. She told me two of the employees had hepetitis and were let go from employment. Of course this place is famous for hiring illegal imigrants - which these two were.

I wash my eggs no matter what chicken they pop out of. Just cuz.
FYI .... feeding uncooked eggs to your dog/cat is actually not good. Same with Dairy products.

There are enzymes in the egg and milk that dogs and cats cannot properly digest. They may not look sick but it makes them unwell.

Ask your vet if you do not believe me. They tell you to cook your eggs if you insist on feeding eggs to your pets. That is slightly better but not a lot.

Here's a WebMD Article about it.

If you dont want to click on the link here is what they say:

"There are two problems with giving your dog raw eggs. The first is the possibility of food poisoning from bacteria like Salmonella or E. coli. The second is that an enzyme in raw eggs interferes with the absorption of a particular B vitamin. This can cause skin problems as well as problems with your dog's coat if raw eggs are fed for a long time."

Please stop feeding your dogs/cats eggs.
Sadly, we are also finding ourselves washing most of our eggs now. Just enough to get them clean, but for some reason they almost always seem to need it now ;)

I'm looking into making a "contraption" suitable for washing small numbers of eggs....

- JC

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