Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

Thank you for the tips, I will try til I get him cut, but this past night he was out of the crate and did not potty in the house but went and pottied in his crate!!!D:
Incredible photo of the birds and the moors !


wow what the heck??? where is this place? its so dang beautiful T_T youre so lucky living at such a place! dangg city >=0

Wow, beautiful chickens and scenery:)!!

Thanks everyone! I'm in Alston Cumbria. Wish I could some how show yous where the field was on Google maps so yous can see the view on that haha.
In this photo it looks like he has some pointy tail coverts.
He is defiantly a cockerel you can tell by the pointed feathers on his back. Really nice bird good type and really nice lacing congrats.
I really like him, does look like a boy. You're so lucky, he's very nice :)

Thanks to everyone who helped me out sexing my Roo! I learned a lot about pointed feathers and I'm madly scouring my chicks for them!
just thought I'd update, definitely a roo, he's crowing!!
this is him at 15 weeks now!! He's bigger than the hens already!! Is he big for a cockerel? he's my first
found him trying to roost on the back of the chair.Silly bird keeps climbing in the windows
Just adding my 2 cents on the male dog can buy a band that wraps around his belly and covers his business part. I put a feminine napkin in it for easy clean up. When he lifts his leg to pee he is peeing on himself and not on your house/furniture/floor. Keep this on him when he is in his crate and in your house. If it is don't right you should only need to take the soiled pad out and replace with a clean one. The band and your house will stay pee free. Take off only when he goes outside. Shouldn't take him long to learn not to pee in the house. When you notice the pad staying clean then he is probably getting the idea. My dog only reverts back to marking when my parents male dog comes to visit. I break out the band and he remembers quick. We call it the band of shame.
What a great idea!!

My female is 13 and I think she is getting incontinent, I have found a few tiny spots when she gets up on occasion. I have been discussing with DH putting her down and I think this is a great solution. I did not want to put her down unless she is in pain. DH is not happy about a dog that makes a mess in the house even if it is just a drop or two.

Quote: lol...a pretty bird.
I still get shocked when I see a chicken in a house.
I have an old hatchery hen that likes to come in and sit by me on the floor by my computer chair. I recently moved and hadn't let her do that at the new place. Well, I let her in the other day and even though she'd never been in here, and I was in the kitchen, she found the computer room and sat down by the chair. LOL.

Probably won't be letting her do that often as I don't want poop on the carpet! Old place had vinyl floor, easy cleanup.
I have an old hatchery hen that likes to come in and sit by me on the floor by my computer chair. I recently moved and hadn't let her do that at the new place. Well, I let her in the other day and even though she'd never been in here, and I was in the kitchen, she found the computer room and sat down by the chair. LOL.

Probably won't be letting her do that often as I don't want poop on the carpet! Old place had vinyl floor, easy cleanup.

So get her a basket from Wally World. She might learn to keep you out of trouble ! Just put corn on the delete button.
I have an old hatchery hen that likes to come in and sit by me on the floor by my computer chair. I recently moved and hadn't let her do that at the new place. Well, I let her in the other day and even though she'd never been in here, and I was in the kitchen, she found the computer room and sat down by the chair. LOL.

Probably won't be letting her do that often as I don't want poop on the carpet! Old place had vinyl floor, easy cleanup.

  So get her a basket from Wally World. She might learn to keep you out of trouble ! Just put corn on the delete button.
ROFLMAO!!! Good idea!!!!! :lau

PS - I'm being good! Really!
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