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Daisy getting slapped by her own wattles
& What a bucolic background...I'd like to spread a patchwork quilt there and gaze at it and the flock all afternoon...**dreamy**
I went out this morning and no egg yet. A couple of the nest boxes looked like there had been a chicken making a nest in it. I come home from work low and behold! My first egg from one of my buffs! Sorry had to show everyone what my buffs did! My very first egg!

I went out this morning and no egg yet. A couple of the nest boxes looked like there had been a chicken making a nest in it. I come home from work low and behold! My first egg from one of my buffs! Sorry had to show everyone what my buffs did! My very first egg!

Congratulations;). The first eggs are always really exciting, In fact I find every egg exciting even after keeping chickens for over a year:D

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