Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

Always nice to see folks enjoyin their show experience. Not only it is fun, you get to meet other master breeders and learn from some of the best here in the States.

boy over the years ive learned tons from some of these top a little like you i look at everything through as horse breeders eyes..and im horribly nit pickey over detail when getting of the best tips ive ever received was morning of show use vet rx under wings just a dab, on comb with small soft paintbrush and legs..they stay nice and red and glow for days afterward...nice smell for the judges too , smells like rosemary...used to use vaseline but it makes them get flakey after a bit..the birds really seem to enjoy the smellof the rx and it actually relaxes that is a tip we've kept and still use..lots of little things like there were cars there from... mass, ny , pa, vermont, new jersey, , so its a pretty big deal.lot of these top breeders travel around after thier year end points..there was a fella who kept coming around asking the staff about these orps but we never crossed paths with him ..
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I rented some chickens today to a guy who has a Urban Habitat exhibition right in the center of Downtown Indy. Originally he picked up two 5 month ole Blacks. These Blacks were not my best. One had Red leakage the other had off colored ear lobes. But perfect for a display to the everyday folk promoting chickens. This guy also has two Sex link hens from another poultry enthusiast.
It is nice to help promote our hobby. Especially in the middle of a good size city like Indy.


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Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......................I am soooooooooooooo in love with my Buff Orps from HinkJC! LOVE these birds!!!!! Love them!!!!

They will me 6 months old at the end of this month, and I am thrilled with them!!! They should start laying soon!

Here are a couple of photos:







....and just one of the White Orps
I'll take some more when the weather starts to cool's still hotter than 7 hells here!
I have a couple of these Black Brown Reds I hope to breed for next season. Their just a different look for me and a few others, who like Orps but like to see some more variety, would enjoy having.
This fella has a bit of a Cut-Away breast. But has good size and the color that I like. I have one more younger male who will most likely get culled. But this fella and the pullet should be a nice start

A bit blurry, but you get the idea
The pullet came from breeding two of the Black offspring of BUSTOFF to each other. The cockerel is a breeding of one of my lesser quality BUSTOFF Black cockerels bred to one of the SS/Buff Orp hens. The color is a deeper Red which I like. But BUS carries this 2 color pattern gene. So, I hope to be able to up the quality next season. Should be a fairly easy one to do. This cockerel is going to be a big boy. I see alot of Rock in him. IF what I believe is correct he should pass the size on. And hope the fuller breast of the pullet will pass her breast down to their offspring. I will prolly hatch out 12 or so and see what comes out from that breeding
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