Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy The Cuckoo Blue boy is a head turner! That Buff 'gal is showing some nice coloring!

Yeah I was surprised how nice thheir turning out. This goes to show that some of the better birds I hatch out are near the end of the season.

ll I would love to have a lemon cuckoo and a blue cuckoo!

I am going to have to use my one Cuckoo male with a few Buffs. I had used his brother but they did not produce any visual looking Lemon Cuckoos. As you all know there are no such thing as a Lemon Cuckoo split. IF they don't show the visual signs of being Cuckoo, THEIR NOT! And will render zero Cuckoo offspring!

latebloomer i have a orpington rooster, Ray, that i describe as a tank as well. he's darling, will sidle right up to me when he wants to be picked up; started doing that to my dog as well...

I have one White Orp hen who is a sweety too. She always wants to be in the middle of what is going on​
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Thanks so much for sharing pics. He is a beautiful boy and I'm so pleased they did well in the show. His daddy (Boss) is such a good boy too. He is quite the charmer here and loves attention and taking care of his hens. Congrats!
I will send you a copy of PP when it comes so happy i cant stand it hee hee..i'll be wanting some more from you. next spring..hopefully a few more girls..even the aussie breeders were commenting on how fantastic that hen of them asked me out of how many to choose from..i said it was just her..most people choose out of a hundred , 25..30..i had one to choose from..i fell in love with the one hen on your site blk orp section..shes a little way down on your site page..big dark eye just outstanding girl...i saw her and said man thats as good as it gets..
thanks so much!
lovin that chunkey black cockeral..boy hes nice , but you always have great birds....i love touring your farm..

and hi to beth..lordy ive been so darned busy that im just now sneaking time to pop in here..we are getting ready to winterize everything and picking fruit and you name it..whew!!!
This is Jackson

dont mind the date and time, this picture was taken yesterday... Just put new batteries in my camera and it went back to default settings lol darn camera
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Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :


I have a very dear friend and she has a friend that imported some Buff, Black, Mottled, Blue, and I don't know what else..and ya wonna know the BEST part? I'm getting some eggs from her friend for "free"!!
..Hopefully it works out!


thanks..cant wait to see your new birds!​
mr softie (named after a locally famouse ice cream truck) back home and happy to be out in a little quarentine stomp pen to eat green things sortie is big..he was so heavy when wet at bath time , i almost had to have my husband lift him out of the big plastic bath tub we bought for him..he sure liked the bath part..seemed like he liked the whole experience..
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Always nice to see folks enjoyin their show experience. Not only it is fun, you get to meet other master breeders and learn from some of the best here in the States.

I have a very dear friend and she has a friend that imported some Buff, Black, Mottled, Blue, and I don't know what else..and ya wonna know the BEST part? I'm getting some eggs from her friend for "free"!!
..Hopefully it works out!


thanks..cant wait to see your new birds!

Thanks...hopefully I'll be able to post some pictures of my new babies in a couple of months, if and when this works out, and if and when they hatch...that's alot of ifs!


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