Post PICS of your GLORIOUS ROOSTERS here!!! All breeds welcome!

This is the RIR rooster. He doesn't have a name. I am still waiting on his personality to dictate one. He is likely about 7 months old. All of them are. Some of the Hens just started laying in the last few weeks and continue to pick up in both numbers and size. They all were hatched about the same time. He was chosen for the fact he had already developed his first two nice curl over tail feathers and crowed while I was inspecting the lot of them. His type is fairly good but I am no expert. This batch of RIR had some nice darkness to them. Which is am told is good. And he has a good bit of both dark Red and Black/Green in him. He also carries the nice dark brown coloration into his beak and front of the legs.

These are Blackberry pictures so some of them are a bit blurry etc. I must get out there with the good camera some day.



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This is Rocky, My daughter's Roo. He's a BR/prod. Red X. He's really a cockerel, hatched in March. He's a big boy, Alot bigger than all the others that hatched with him ( which will be processed Saturday). He's really a good rooster. Friendly, protective,and he finds food for our hen, as well as the other roos
... Any way he's a keeper. I'm trying to get into Delawares, so I am going to have to build a second coop.
DW is going to kill me....


Sorry about the fuzzy pic. One of us was moving.
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Here's a pic of our RIR rooster. "Rupert". He's about 10 weeks old in this pic. Rupert is just now (at 12 weeks) practicing on his crowing. Hubby heard him this morning "trying" alone in the coup while his girls (24) were out roaming about. LOL Can't wait to hear him really cut loose with a good morning "Cock-a-doodle-dooooooooooo.

This is Paraffin, a 1 month old silkie / redstar mix. He got his name at 1 week in incubation when I accidently dropped another egg onto his. His cracked quite a bit so I heated up paraffin wax in a teacup & used a paint brush to seal the cracks. 1/2 of his shell was covered in wax. I never thought it would hatch & it became a joke that if it did hatch I would name it Paraffin. Isn't he adorable!!??

Oh, he has grey feet with the normal 4 toes, feathered hocks, legs & toes. Normal colored single comb, a little mohock crest & grey blotchy skin.

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