Post PICS of your GLORIOUS ROOSTERS here!!! All breeds welcome!


Australorp named "Chicken George" I have raised from a chick..


George again in the sun..


One of my baby Tom Turkey males!!
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Thankyou! My son hatched them and I fell in love. They're our first chickens. Unfortunately, I couldn't keep the roo at our house(live in the city) so I have those two at my in-laws and have chicken visitations everyday with my son(my family thinks I'm crazy but what are you going to do, I love em)
. We now have 3 silkie chicks that I ordered from mypetchicken and hopefully will be girls like I ordered.
Well here is our Baby Roo. Got him from the TSC store. 1 of 6 ended up being a rooster! I hear that is good. I couldn't tell you what breed he is. The store said all the chickens were Barred Rocks.


Here is Our Alpha Roo. He is a transplant from another farm we got him from. He likes his little NEST of Hens I think.


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