Post PICS of your GLORIOUS ROOSTERS here!!! All breeds welcome!

I am seriously considering naming my Buff Orp rooster Crookshanks ;-) I'm also wondering about all those other animal names. Especially Errol. I'd change poor Hedwig's name, but he *knows it*. So he's just going to be a girly man ;-)
Same boat have to figure out the camera thing.
Okay, here's a picture of Little Guy, my Japanese bantam. I don't know that he's what I'd call "manly," but I do think he's a handsome little booger. His name is a remnant of the fact that I don't name my chickens until I know their sex . . . roosters usually get stuck with whatever I called them as chicks.

Pretty!! Is he a Nankin? If so, do you have more? My hubby and I were saying that if our eggs hatch, we would need to make a trade with someone so that we don't inbreed. I see you're in TX... so am I.
My husband hates my naked neck chicks. I think one is a roo, I need to take a pic. I have one that looks just like hers and my husband calls it Buzzard.

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