Post your Chick Pictures Here!!!

The Whole Chicken Caboodle Very large brown Easter Egger - Eleanor, the Dominique next to her - Bobbie, The Black Australorp - Edna and the other Dominique... we believe - Chicken #4 until we can talk Marty into naming her a real name. Ohio to MD in less than 24 hours... Heating pack still warm. All are happy, healthy, eating and drinking... and sleeping for 2-4 minutes at a time. Kudos to Meyer Hatchery for getting them from Ohio to MD in under 24 hours! Soo healthy looking too!
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Play time for babies!! They were going nuts today in the brooder, so I gave them something to do. A box with alfalfa leaves and chick starter. Instant play ground!....

I have joined my baby chicks with the older chics at night when they go to bed and separate in early morning. I let it get a little later each morning and put them away a little earlier each night till I get them to merge.. It works for me.
I let my older ones out, after a bit,they go back in the coop for a settee, that's when the little ones come out, on their own, when the big ones come back out, it is on for a little while and then it settles down, in fact one of the big girls swapped to the little ones coop tonight on her own, the new chicken house is almost done, they better get used to each other quick, the house onpens tomorrow and the coop gets closed and moved out side of the fence.

You know how parents always save those awkward teen photos for future embarrassment? My chicks are now four weeks old and going through that ugly phase, so here ya go:


Peggy Sue:



Big Boy:

Black Cochin #2:



Cuckoo Maran 1:

Cuckoo Maran 2:

Mystery Chick (I think may be a Dominique, and I suspect a roo - any opinions?)

Australorp 1:

Australorp 2:

Black Minorca:

I told you I would come back on my laptop with Pics... (Pics are quite old, so the chicks are bigger now, but still worth sharing right?

Snap and Pansy, cuckoo marans Pullets.

Jumbo Pekins on the way home the day we got them.

Jumbo Pekin dUckling.

Daisy, the Polish.

Tigger the Turken.



Mariposa, Sorrel, Belle, and Diasy.

Mariposa, (The little top of the head between the blue and chipmunk patterned chick is Maiden). The chipmunk pattern is Sorrel, the buff is Bell and then we have Daisy. ;)







Daisy. :)

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