Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

I saw an SD adapter that plugs into a smartphone to use the smartphone as a viewer.

What I'd like is to have it send back what it has to my computer without me having to go out at all! But, that's more of a security system than a game camera, I guess. I don't have a smartphone, just a smartphone-wanna-be. It won't even scan QR codes.
That would be nice to have it sent back to my computer. For now I still have to walk out to the cameras but with the viewer I can leave the cards in the cameras after I view them. I do have spare SD cards so when I retrieve one I can put a blank card back into the camera. If you get one of those cameras with the built in viewer please post and let us know what you think. Very interesting.
That would be nice to have it sent back to my computer. For now I still have to walk out to the cameras but with the viewer I can leave the cards in the cameras after I view them. I do have spare SD cards so when I retrieve one I can put a blank card back into the camera. If you get one of those cameras with the built in viewer please post and let us know what you think. Very interesting.
I will do that. I'm still trying to decide on one. It's not easy because some of them have this remote control, or they call it that, but really, it's the only way to do the settings and I do not like that. What if you drop it and step on it or lose it? I want buttons on the camera on the front panel, not the bottom, with SD card on the side so I can get to it easily, plus the view screen. It's a tall order when you don't want to spend over $90 on one.
oh man.. yeah, he doesn't want to mess with a possum.. i set my game cam up in the livingroom when i worked and got some goofy shots of my 2 cats playing hard.. hehe

That was a big, fat one, too, though I've seen bigger here on this thread. Stupid possum kept getting into the garbage bag that holds paper products we burn for some reason, probably the sour milk smell from the half-and-half carton.

Finally got our game camera up last week! Glad to see my cat is earning his keep. The other pics I have, he has chased the raccoon away from the run

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