Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!


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@cmom in the last one, it's weird how the chickens come right out with the fox running around their pen. Crazy. I know my day is coming and I've beat the odds for a long, long time, too long, really, never having a predator loss. I mean I've watched a group of chickens, led by my Isaac and his two teen sons, face off against a gray fox at the fence that runs down our power line easement. Isaac got a group of girls to run back to the coop area while Indy and Ira stood facing the predator about 8' apart. We shouted and it ran off, which is a great thing since those two boys didn't even have spurs yet.

We even had a fox den up at the front corner of our property once. She had two entrances and there were barred feathers at one of them, just not from our chickens, oddly enough. I reset the camera so we'll see if I can find out which variety is hanging around. I heard a fox howl the other morning, which is such an odd sound, almost birdlike. The first time I heard it a couple years ago, it was very close to the house and I had to search around for what was making it. Was surprised it was a fox.
It's been several years since I have had a predator loss. An owl attack resulted in all of the pens being covered, a Bobcat led to the electric around the entire perimeter of the coops and pens and the fox the concrete under the gates. Our land is pasture, not many trees. My husband was out with some young birds right next to him and a hawk flew in by surprise and grabbed one of them. Another time I was out by the blueberry bushes and had some birds out and a hawk came out of some trees that are close to the blueberries and killed one but didn't carry it off. I was about 10 ft away. Sure surprised me. I ran at it and it took off and one of my girls was dead. I like having the game cameras. One of my cameras recently died so I have been interested in the one you got with the built-in viewer. I did invest in a viewer and it works well, so I really don't need one built into the camera. I do mostly video and retrieve the ones in the cameras in the morning and put in blank cards, turn them off during the day and back on when I go out to collect the eggs in the evening. Since we are so open here, we rarely see a daytime predator unless it's a hawk who hunts during the day. There are some wooded areas around us. I get a coyote at night quite often on the game camera.
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@cmom in the last one, it's weird how the chickens come right out with the fox running around their pen. Crazy. I know my day is coming and I've beat the odds for a long, long time, too long, really, never having a predator loss. I mean I've watched a group of chickens, led by my Isaac and his two teen sons, face off against a gray fox at the fence that runs down our power line easement. Isaac got a group of girls to run back to the coop area while Indy and Ira stood facing the predator about 8' apart. We shouted and it ran off, which is a great thing since those two boys didn't even have spurs yet.

We even had a fox den up at the front corner of our property once. She had two entrances and there were barred feathers at one of them, just not from our chickens, oddly enough. I reset the camera so we'll see if I can find out which variety is hanging around. I heard a fox howl the other morning, which is such an odd sound, almost birdlike. The first time I heard it a couple years ago, it was very close to the house and I had to search around for what was making it. Was surprised it was a fox.
Heard and saw a grey fox scream....scared the bejesus outta me!!
Was 60 feet from back of house, spotlight didn't faze it, so I got to actually see it make that horrible sound.
It hung around all summer...this was before chickens, so I was more intrigues than worried.

Can you put one of your cams on the fox den?
Might get some daytime shots.
Heard and saw a grey fox scream....scared the bejesus outta me!!
Was 60 feet from back of house, spotlight didn't faze it, so I got to actually see it make that horrible sound.
It hung around all summer...this was before chickens, so I was more intrigues than worried.

Can you put one of your cams on the fox den?
Might get some daytime shots.
The culvert is not being used as a den right now. I'm not sure where the kits are located, but has to be in the nearby area, I'd think. I guess I need to do a pass around the property to check all the culverts under the roads out, see if I see a pile of dirt indicating she's dug out a new den.

I've heard a fox alarm bark and howl, but I'm not sure I heard one scream. Could have in a distance and it didn't register what it was. They sound so different than the coyotes.
Not sure what the vocalizations I heard were labeled.....
.....sounded like a medium length(longer than a bark, shorter than a howl) VERY loud, raspy, guttural scream...repeated several times in a row.
Sounds like a scream you heard. Here is a very handy youtube that helped me ID the howl I heard in our yard.

Ah, yep, so 'scream' was the right label....that's a great vid!
Yup, it's excellent for identifying what you're hearing. I'd never heard a fox howl, but I remember listening at the window to the close-by sound and my husband asked what was wrong. I told him to listen and said, "What the heck is that?". It sounded like some exotic bird call, but on a hunch I looked up all the calls foxes make because I'd seen the tracks and the animals themselves on rare occasions, and BINGO!

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