Pre-Egg-Laying Behaviors?

Atomic Ranch

8 Years
May 7, 2011
El Cerrito, So Cal
What are they, in your experience?

My Delawares began to lay about a week ago, with no noticeable pomp or circumstance. Just flirting with the cochin roo. The others (2 RIR, 1 Party Rock, 2 leghorns, 1 NH, 2 EE, 1 BO) are occasionally puffed, panting, vocal (including egg songs), and the Rock is seemingly lethargic today-- under the coop, sitting, backside puffed. Perhaps a small amount of intestinal shed poo as well. She'll get up and move if I approach her though, so she's not injured. Anything out of the ordinary here?

I know there are other threads that contain this information, but perhaps a list of sorts for all of us doing this for the first time and with birds about 20 weeks
Behavior changes I've observed are:

checking out coop, nesting areas
extra clucking, not quite the egg song
friendly/needy, they really don't know what's up but something is happening to their bodies.
My EE girls are almost 22 weeks and have been acting different for the past few weeks. They are more vocal and flighty and bossy. None of them have even checked out the nest boxes though. Please give me a sign that I'll get eggs soon.
My EE, you never know when she is laying an egg except for the fact that she is in a nesting box, and the same goes for another who I have no idea what breed she is. But my red sex link sounds as if she is being attacked before she lays an egg, lots of pacing, in and out of the coop and so forth. I think each girl has her own personality!!
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I have two EEs that don't show any sign yet, but they're 19 weeks. The Delawares didn't really check out the box before laying either. I had no idea they were working up to it! The firsts were in the run and in the corner of the coop. After golf-balling the box, they do it in there now. Yours should be gearing up to be little feathery egg factories, no doubt!
Maybe that's it. I dunno... This has GOT to be old hat to most of you, and I'm likely overreacting. She's just a bit antisocial is all. By herself, sitting. All the others run over for treats but she didn't today. Plenty of energy if approached though! I guess I'll see how she is in the morning.

Do the roos get more protective? When I picked up the Rock to look at her, my BO roo paid very close attention.
She's still lethargic, drinking a lot but not munching much. If this continues or worsens, I'll post on the other forum.

At any rate, they're otherwise ALL so spirited, talkative, and excited about the goings-on. They must just "know" they're changing!
Poor baby! I almost hate to post because I don't have any helpful advice but I didn't want to read and run. Hope everything is ok with her!

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