Production Reds

uh yea, MayMay is a red sex link. Sorry, i thought production Reds were like what Fred's hens said:

"""Not quite sure what "breed specific" means, but the production red is not a breed. It is an undefined term, altogether. There is no accepted APA breed called the Production Red. It is merely a term used by folks and by hatcheries that simply refers to a generic red bird that is very productive. From there? One sorts things out as best one can. """
Quote: I get asked questions about once every two months and it goes like this. I have a rooster a Rhode Island Red and he tries to spur me or my children or my grand children. You cant go into the pen with out worrying about him trying to hit me in the leg or hurt me or my kids. Why are Rhode Island Reds so MEAN.

After I ask them where they got their chickens and I normally know this in my head its the feed store most of the time. They are Rhode Island Reds on the brooder box and you buy them thinking they are Rhode Island Reds, but they are spin offs of the Rhode Island Reds from the 1930s and 40s.
Back in those days they had contest for egg production. It would help if you could do well at these contest and it would really help your sales for eggs or chicks as people made a living doing this. One guy named Perimeter thought I could get a edge on these Rhode Island Red guys if I cross in some heavy egg laying chickens and then latter enter these birds as Rhode Island Reds . He succeeded and his birds lay ed well and won a few contest, finally the good breeders who would send ten females that scored over 90 points in a judging contest said the heck with it. Then the chimerical egg laying houses started coming out and the leghorns and these kind of reds started to prosper. Be for you know it thousands and thousands where sold and today they are one of the dominate breeds that produce brown eggs for the stores for people to buy.

I don't know who came up with the term Production Reds kind of a mystery of the term New Hampshire Reds as there is no such breed. Just New Hampshire's.

If you type in to go ogle Rhode Island Reds and go to look at the pictures in there. 95 percent of the pictures are production Reds getting the glory of Rhode Island Reds. Even some web sites and books show pictures of the organ washed out chicken and get all the glory of Rhode Island Reds. Rhode Island Reds have the color of a dark plum or a Bing cherry.

They have beaks that have very dark horn color and rich dark beetle green color in the tail area. The males have flat long backs with a body that is called brick shaped. Females lay about 180 eggs per pullet year some strain use to lay up to 200 which is about maxi um. Production reds are not breed for color or shape. They are breed to pump out eggs up to 275 eggs per year. Most farms get rid of the females after they go into a molt and start out with fresh pullets. Many of the hens when they go into their 2nd or 3rd year blow out from high egg production and that is normal and ok as they are breed to leap out and lay lots of eggs fast. Rhode Island Reds will loose about 20% of their egg production each year and can live up to 8 years of age and still produce chicks.

Hope this helps you on the difference in production reds and Rhode Island Reds. About 99 and 1/2 % of the people on this web site have what you are talking about. Only a hand full have the old fashion kind and trying to pres eve these birds from going extinct. I was Past President of the RHode Island Red Club of America a club to promote Rhode Island Reds. There is no club for producing reds.

You can go to this web site to see articles on Rhode Island Reds and how to breed them. Also, you can go to my picture trial site and see what Rhode Island Reds look like. I have raised production reds to com pair their feather growth to my large fowl 30 years ago. They are a great chicken for eggs. The new New Hampshire's from Germany in my view are the top new breed for the hobby farmer and back yard poultry hobbyist. They lay well, have lots of meat on their bones and are not mean. The strain was brought in from Germany about five years ago. Great birds in my view over production reds.

Here is a brand new site on R I Reds on Face Book. Look at the male that Ryan from Calif just posted. One of the top males of the year.
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This group of fowl is one of the most poplual types of chickens you can obtain from a feed store of hatchery.

How man thousands of these birds do you think are alive in North Ameica today?

How many Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds do you think are alive today?100? bob
I have some production reds and they are not nice, I mistakenly thought that productions reds were nicer than RIR. I am actually on here searching to see what they are bred with because I ended up with a white pullet. they have not gone broody but one of my cochins hatched her out.
Mine did not come from Ideal, but I have to say the eggs are so big they don't fit in the egg cartons. And have not had any double yokes.

Here is what ideal chicken states:
Production Red

Production Reds are a brown egg layer that was developed for efficient production of large brown eggs. Crosses utilizing Rhode Island Reds and New Hampshire Reds were used in the development of this breed, which is Ideal's most efficient producer of large brown eggs. they have brittle feathers and their body size is relatively small for the size eggs that they produce
he never said they were...! he said my Red hen, meaning a Red sexlinks
Or the breed Red, the Rhode Island Red's real name is just Red the Rhode Island part of the is just the place of origin much the same as the Rhode Island White.

We have a one red production hen in our cluck of seven girls. The reds behavior is so different from our heritage breeds. She is extremely hyper with no regard for the pecking order so really frustrates the other hens. On the other hand, she is definitely an egg-laying machine! She eats so quickly it's hard to see her movements and often flies out of the caged area to look for more food. I'm not sure if we are going to keep her but she has been the only hen we have who has layed consistently throughout winter. Oh, and she always lays her eggs in the nesting box.
I hate my Production Red. She's mean, and she acts like a very mean rooster, so now I have to carry a stick outside with me. She lays nice eggs though.
Heres a question for you. WHY are Production reds so mean most of the time people tell me the males attach them or thier childern.

Yet people who have the pure Rhode Island Reds have no problem and they are docile as can be.

Do any of you who have production reds have a idea?

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