PRODUCTION Toulouse Geese Thread!!

So Kiwi will not have any way to get out of the weather or be locked up at night? If nothing else go buy a Xlarge dog crate plastic would be best and keep him inside garage during the night.

I'm sorry about the dogs they look bad. Hope not to much damage done.
So Kiwi will not have any way to get out of the weather or be locked up at night? If nothing else go buy a Xlarge dog crate plastic would be best and keep him inside garage during the night.

I'm sorry about the dogs they look bad. Hope not to much damage done.
Your putting him up at night though right? for his own protection. Can you get him a mirror they make them for parrots, I use one a friend gave me it has a wooden frame around it so no sharp edges. it's about 8X10.

were are you getting your Toulouse from?

Yes I still do. So last night my two dogs got into a fight and my pit was injured very badly. She's going to the vet and then back to the rescue group since she is just a foster, and the crate came with her, so now I have no crate for Kiwi. He's currently sitting in the pool.



There's a bunch of overhangs he can get under, I wonder if he even wants to?
Yes I still do. So last night my two dogs got into a fight and my pit was injured very badly. She's going to the vet and then back to the rescue group since she is just a foster, and the crate came with her, so now I have no crate for Kiwi. He's currently sitting in the pool.

There's a bunch of overhangs he can get under, I wonder if he even wants to?
you can't go by what kiwi wants at this point he is grieving and alone and needs your help. He can't think gosh I need to get out of the weather or Hey if I don't get into a secure place something may get in here and kill me, I wish I was closer I'd foster him for you till you could build a secure house for him and the new goose. He really needs you to think for him and care for him now.
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carrosaur, am I understanding that Kiwi has no shelter but a couple of overhangs for protection? If so, please find something that will provide him shelter from weather and predators as soon as you can. A dog house, or even a shipping box that can be closed and that he can be in in the evenings to be safe. Geese may be birds and farm animals but they have been domesticated for our use and entertainment and companionship. They can not survive on their own without our help. Kiwi needs a house/box something that he can be in to stay safe and warm. If nothing else talk to the dog rescue place you work with and see if they have something you can borrow. A kennel with wire sides is not enough. He needs enclosed safe shelter.
The dog crate was always covered, all the sides, he would only go in it when Pear was in it, I have a dog house that he CAN go in but he REFUSES to go in it during the day. I'll pick him up and put him in it and he starts flapping his wings and screaming, he'll hurt himself.

At night he'll go in but only if I'm not around, if I walkk up to it I have to come from the back to close it. I'll keep him inside the garage at night now, I have a big pin he can sleep in, and the garage has a thermostat I can use to keep him warmz
The dog crate was always covered, all the sides, he would only go in it when Pear was in it, I have a dog house that he CAN go in but he REFUSES to go in it during the day. I'll pick him up and put him in it and he starts flapping his wings and screaming, he'll hurt himself.

At night he'll go in but only if I'm not around, if I walkk up to it I have to come from the back to close it. I'll keep him inside the garage at night now, I have a big pin he can sleep in, and the garage has a thermostat I can use to keep him warmz
Thank goodness. I just had this image of Kiwi alone with no shelter and no place to go. My three will go into their pen on their own, but as soon as I come out to lock them in for the night they come out and I have to herd them back in. Same with my chickens, they even come off their roost thinking I have something for them and all I want it to make sure they are safe. Encourage Kiwi to use the doghouse. Eventually he will learn that it is o.k. for you to come and close him in for the evening. I am not sure about using supplemental heat in the garage for him. He has a natural ability to self-regulate body temps and artificial heat can interrupt that. If he will stay in the dog house that would be best for him, I think. What ever you do, don't just take him out to the farm unless he has a safe and secure pen there for the night time as well.

I am really sorry about what happened with you dogs but that is always a risk when you foster them. They never really are a part of the whole, they sense that and react accordingly. Is your old dog o.k.?
Thank goodness. I just had this image of Kiwi alone with no shelter and no place to go. My three will go into their pen on their own, but as soon as I come out to lock them in for the night they come out and I have to herd them back in. Same with my chickens, they even come off their roost thinking I have something for them and all I want it to make sure they are safe. Encourage Kiwi to use the doghouse. Eventually he will learn that it is o.k. for you to come and close him in for the evening. I am not sure about using supplemental heat in the garage for him. He has a natural ability to self-regulate body temps and artificial heat can interrupt that. If he will stay in the dog house that would be best for him, I think. What ever you do, don't just take him out to the farm unless he has a safe and secure pen there for the night time as well.

I am really sorry about what happened with you dogs but that is always a risk when you foster them. They never really are a part of the whole, they sense that and react accordingly. Is your old dog o.k.?

We had fostered her for 2 years because of her aggression. My own dog is fine, he did most of the damage. Unfortunately he's the one that wants to eat Kiwi!

I would never send them to the farm without a shelter, my boyfriend lives about a mile from it so he can check them every night.
We had fostered her for 2 years because of her aggression. My own dog is fine, he did most of the damage. Unfortunately he's the one that wants to eat Kiwi!

I would never send them to the farm without a shelter, my boyfriend lives about a mile from it so he can check them every night.
I know how that is. When we first got Duke (our Anatolian) we did not know he was very food aggressive. So one day Mikey (our Greyhound mix) tried to share his dish. A fight ensued and in trying to stop the fight I ended up being bit. Several hours in the ER, 14 stitches later and the loss of most of the feeling in the index finger of my right hand we decided maybe we needed to feed Duke alone in my room. Everything has been fine since. Not sure how it would have worked out if it had been someone other than me it had happened to. He probably would have been put down. But instead, he now lives a great life, I have a great friend, companion and protector. I just have to be careful around fire and sharp things not to do something with that finger I won't know about until it is too late.

Your dog wants to eat Kiwi so the solution is to not let him near Kiwi. Really is that simple. That way he and Kiwi can both have good lives. Let us know how things work out with Kiwi, farm or not. We all feel like we are a part of his/your family and really do want to help.
I agree with last statement, I cannot let my dogs be around my geese unless I am there period, the geese are the aggressors here and I don't trust them around the dogs, I had to learn the hard way though and thankfully no one was injured or killed. [gander]

Keep us updated please.
I feel like you all are part of the family too! You've all been with me since I first got the geese, the death, the loneliness, getting Kiwi. All of it! I wouldn't be where I am right now without any of you all.

I would never let that dog near Kiwi. Although Kiwi probably wants to get at him too.

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