PRODUCTION Toulouse Geese Thread!!

I feel like you all are part of the family too! You've all been with me since I first got the geese, the death, the loneliness, getting Kiwi. All of it! I wouldn't be where I am right now without any of you all.

I would never let that dog near Kiwi. Although Kiwi probably wants to get at him too.

I'm sure he would like to get at your dog, Sammy is the starter of the trouble here then the other 3 join in.
So this morning I let everyone out, My geese as usual come out shrieking no kidding that's what it sounds like, well I stop to talk to them, and see Babe has blood on her/his bill right at the nare hole, so I catch her/him to get a better look and see a cut i have no idea how she did it, after spraying with Veterycin i go in and look all over the inside of their house can not find anything. I know if she had done it last night I would have noticed the blood. It's a mystery but looks okay i sprayed again this evening when I put them up.

This whole goose thread was just about dead today..Where is everyone???
So this morning I let everyone out, My geese as usual come out shrieking no kidding that's what it sounds like, well I stop to talk to them, and see Babe has blood on her/his bill right at the nare hole, so I catch her/him to get a better look and see a cut i have no idea how she did it, after spraying with Veterycin i go in and look all over the inside of their house can not find anything. I know if she had done it last night I would have noticed the blood. It's a mystery but looks okay i sprayed again this evening when I put them up.

This whole goose thread was just about dead today..Where is everyone???
I hope Babe is o.k. Does it look like she might have just banged it somehow and ended up with a bloddy nose sort of? I know that today was such a nice day here that everyone got nice clean pools of water to splash in. Ducks went wild, I had to refill their pool three times. Geese did the same and splashed then jumped out and ran around their pen flapping their wings. That is when Lydia ran smack into the side of their coop she was so crazy. Luckly not hurt but maybe something like that happend to Babe. We have our fingers crossed.
I hope Babe is o.k. Does it look like she might have just banged it somehow and ended up with a bloddy nose sort of? I know that today was such a nice day here that everyone got nice clean pools of water to splash in. Ducks went wild, I had to refill their pool three times. Geese did the same and splashed then jumped out and ran around their pen flapping their wings. That is when Lydia ran smack into the side of their coop she was so crazy. Luckly not hurt but maybe something like that happend to Babe. We have our fingers crossed.

Lydia ran into the side of her house my goodness you may need to have her eyes examined she might need glasses.
I'm glad she is okay, I think Babe is too not a very big cut.

Mine have enjoyed having pool water since weekend. Our weather has been nice only low 40's at night and into 50's during the day so they have enjoyed playing in the water, I know we're going to pay eventually but we'll enjoy it while we can eh?

Hope Kiwi is okay today.
Lydia ran into the side of her house my goodness you may need to have her eyes examined she might need glasses.
I'm glad she is okay, I think Babe is too not a very big cut.

Mine have enjoyed having pool water since weekend. Our weather has been nice only low 40's at night and into 50's during the day so they have enjoyed playing in the water, I know we're going to pay eventually but we'll enjoy it while we can eh?

Hope Kiwi is okay today.
Ditto on Kiwi...carrosaur, anything new going on?

Now, goose glasses...there would be a site to see (pun intended) Wonder what my eye doctor would think if I showed up at his office with a goose?

I was sort of funny once I saw she was not hurt. Splashing, then jumping out of the pool, flapping those great long wings of hers and running in a big circle, other geese honking to cheer her on...then BLAM smack into the side of the coop. She stopped for a second like "how did that get there...I meant to do that" them right back to flapping and running and splashing.

You should have seen the Cayugas. They love to dive under and swim in circles underwater. But they inevitable come up under another duck and then 8 or 10 of them have to flap and run and quack. Great fun. We have nice weather for a week or so which means they can play to their hearts content.
Be careful with that cut on the beak :( Pear had one too.

Kiwi just screams a lot now. Honestly I haven't come on here because these past few months with my step dad getting the cops called on me and my mom getting a divorce with him and her brain injury and child protective services stepping in and losing my dog and my goose... It's been really hard to keep up. It's so heart breaking even more to see Kiwi now. He used to only honk when pear did, now he just shrieks and shrieks all night and day.. It's awful.
Be careful with that cut on the beak
Pear had one too.

Kiwi just screams a lot now. Honestly I haven't come on here because these past few months with my step dad getting the cops called on me and my mom getting a divorce with him and her brain injury and child protective services stepping in and losing my dog and my goose... It's been really hard to keep up. It's so heart breaking even more to see Kiwi now. He used to only honk when pear did, now he just shrieks and shrieks all night and day.. It's awful.
Hopefully the shrieking will stop once you get him a friend, it's just they are flock animals and don't know what to do with themselves on their own.

I'm so sorry about all the things going on in your life right now it sure makes it hard to deal with . This stuff with your step dad I hope is getting settled that's awful for you all.

Believe me when I saw the blood Pear is the first I thought of, that's why I risked being run over by 3 other geese to pick Babe up and look closer. I had to close the gate and keep the other 3 away so I could have a look and spray Veterycin on it. Boy were they raising a ruckus.
Ditto on Kiwi...carrosaur, anything new going on?

Now, goose glasses...there would be a site to see (pun intended) Wonder what my eye doctor would think if I showed up at his office with a goose?

I was sort of funny once I saw she was not hurt. Splashing, then jumping out of the pool, flapping those great long wings of hers and running in a big circle, other geese honking to cheer her on...then BLAM smack into the side of the coop. She stopped for a second like "how did that get there...I meant to do that" them right back to flapping and running and splashing.

You should have seen the Cayugas. They love to dive under and swim in circles underwater. But they inevitable come up under another duck and then 8 or 10 of them have to flap and run and quack. Great fun. We have nice weather for a week or so which means they can play to their hearts content.
I think you should take Lydia to the eye drs. that would be a hoot. and of course you'd have to get those sports bands to hold the glasses on since they don't have ears that stick out. Hey this is morning and I'm still as looney as i was last night. Must be the coffee.

I love to watch mine having a blast in the water it's more fun than going shopping[which I don't do very much] mine only have their small pool right now so if all 4 geese get in it's standing room only
Be careful with that cut on the beak
Pear had one too.

Kiwi just screams a lot now. Honestly I haven't come on here because these past few months with my step dad getting the cops called on me and my mom getting a divorce with him and her brain injury and child protective services stepping in and losing my dog and my goose... It's been really hard to keep up. It's so heart breaking even more to see Kiwi now. He used to only honk when pear did, now he just shrieks and shrieks all night and day.. It's awful.
I don't know if the screaming is because he just got settled into his new home and lost his companion or not. But, I do know that almost all birds are happier with others of their own kind around. If it is possible get him a companion that is about the same size. Gender does not really matter unless you hope to eventually have goslings running around. You and they will have to go through the adjustment period again but in the end it may prove to be worth it.

As for your life issues. Just stick to the course. Be patient with yourself and everyone/thing around you. It takes time for life to sort itself out sometimes (I know too well) but somehow it always does. These are all challenges that will mold who you are and who you become in the future. Try to make them positive lessons. And, try to not be overwhelmed by them. Take them one at a time. Deal with it as best as you can (you don't have to be perfect). Put it aside and move on to the next.

We are here to listen and talk if you need. You can always move these conversations to PM if you are more comfortable. I am on and off BYC a lot throughout the day and I know Miss Lydia is as well. So please do not feel you are totally alone. We may not have the answers but we do have the willingness to listen. Just hang in there and be the great person that you are.
I think you should take Lydia to the eye drs. that would be a hoot. and of course you'd have to get those sports bands to hold the glasses on since they don't have ears that stick out. Hey this is morning and I'm still as looney as i was last night. Must be the coffee.

I love to watch mine having a blast in the water it's more fun than going shopping[which I don't do very much] mine only have their small pool right now so if all 4 geese get in it's standing room only
Mine can all three fit in their kiddie pool at the same time if the all face the same direction and swim around in a circle like those plastic ducks you see at county fairs. Also, they have a black heavy rubber stock tank (actually for feeding horses) that is about 18 inches deep. Lydia likes to step up on the side of it and sort of dive in...of course half the water splashes out but she doesn't seem to mind.

I am also pumping myself up on coffee this a.m. I am not allowed to eat anything because I have a MD appt about noon.
I recently found out I was diabetic and we have to do lab work all the time. What sense does it make to try to balance glucose and not be allowed to eat anything until noon on lab days???? Plus, I have to drive 50 miles to the doctor with low blood sugar...get out of my way folks!!!

I don't shop much, mainly online these days (sort of a digital mail order catalog). And, from Thanksgiving to New Years I will not go anywhere except the grocery store. No malls for me...I have developed a real dislike for crowds as I have gotten older.

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