Purple Corn vs Yellow Corn. What’s the Difference?


Dec 13, 2023
What’s the difference between purple corn and yellow corn for the flock? Is it a gimmick? I know purple vegetables with have different nutritional values than their original color. Is it the same for corn?

P.s. I think it would be so cool if the yolks turned purple.. Halloween eggs! :lau
What’s the difference between purple corn and yellow corn for the flock? Is it a gimmick? I know purple vegetables with have different nutritional values than their original color. Is it the same for corn?
It is not a gimmick. "Modern corn differs from its native ancestor more than any other edible plant...modern supersweet varieties can contain up to 40% sugar, bringing new meaning to the words candy corn...modern corn varieties are much lower in phytonutrients than the varieties raised by the earliest farmers. Blue corn...is extremely high in anthocyanins, giving it 30 times more antioxidant value than our modern white corn. Multicoloured 'Indian' corn also contains significant amounts of these compounds. One of the anthocyanins in blue corn...[in animal studies] has slowed the growth of colon cancer, blocked inflammation, lowered cholesterol and blood sugar, and even reduced weight gain caused by a high-fat diet." J Robinson Eating on the wild side 2013: 75. There is a lot more; the whole of chapter 3 of that book is about corn.
It’s incredibly fun to grow and breed your own corn.
Man, I am so jealous of your spread! I just moved and can't get my corn to survive yet. I got one cob off the last attempt. Used some of the kernels to try to get a strain that likes my spot. Beautiful corn!

Corn is a wind pollinator. Plant it in blocks, not rows. That way when the wind blows, it pollinates all the stalks
I am tempted to see if I can convince heirloom corn like Hopi or Glass to be grown in Hawaii. I am not expecting it to go well XD
It will probably grow fine there. It appreciates a lot of heat and light and I think it can tolerate quite a bit of rain. Maybe try some of the varieties direct from Mexico. I think they would they would do well with the day length in Hawaii.
Could be. I just know some people plant corn in rows instead of blocks so that's why I gave that advice. Other than that, I just plant corn and go! Did yours tassle?
The one that threw a cob did tassle. The corn bed only got to about 2" tall 😅
@TexasBlues, I do have some kernels of Hopi still. I will try them when I have space in my beds and update if anything happens.

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