purple eggs???

I have a purple layer. She is a Marans Araucana cross. Here is a few pics of her eggs. Beautiful color. They have faded to a light brown now. I bred her with an Ameraucana cock. I can hardly wait to see what her offspring lay.
How neat! Please keep us posted....just for grins and giggles.....oooohs and ahhhhs!!!
I started this with 2 hens last year and 2 that had just started laying before a dog attack that killed 17 of my birds. So I lost 2. This year I used the same parent birds that produced them, plus the original mom and a son, that I hope carries it. We'll see. I have a lot of little cockerels out of those hatches. A lot of my birds have started molting and the lavender layers are 2 of them. Gonna be a few months to see if any of the new pullets will lay them. I'm stumped on roos too, but I did breed the roo I held onto and bred him to a white egg layer to see if it shows. I'm going to keep a couple of these and breed them to white layers also and see what I get. I also used a couple of other pink egg layers to see if this was a fluke and only Big Bird can give me the right chicks, or if I have a chance with some others. I sure hope so, because they are going to be gorgeous birds.If not, they'll be pretty EEs. I also stuck some hens in that I'm hoping to get a rose colored egg from. I hope with a deeper pink, I get a deeper lavender or even purple. I really need a place with a lot more room for this project. I thought I'd have it by now, but I'm no closer. I have a lot of other breeds and this was just an experiment that somehow worked right off the bat.

I really don't post on this thread anymore, but sometimes I read it. Not often though.
Did they
Thanks Mahonri - I do have some interesting colors.  Here's some that people describe as purple or really pink - plus some gray ones and some olive eggs.  All the birds that laid these have the same two parents - an EE mom and a BCM dad.

did they come from your eggs?
The EE mom lays a large light green egg as seen in photo below. 


I hatch all of them and the offspring all look different from one another and each lays a different colored egg.  I've been hatching the olive eggs and selling both chicks and eggs because I get more olive eggs than I do purple or gray.  The olive eggs tend to produce babies that "LOOK" * like Copper Blue Marans (females) or pure Black Copper Marans (males) and it seems to be a sex-link trait.  Most haven't gotten old enough to produce their own eggs yet so I don't know what color the next generation will lay. But I may have to start hatching the purple and gray eggs just to see what I'll get from them.

*Legal disclaimer - "LOOK" means they "look" like pure breeds - obviously they are not - so I call them my "Olive Eggers".  (Just don't want to ruffle the feathers of those who like to correct anything that has to do with Marans.)  These are mixed-breed mutts who happen to lay beautiful colored eggs.
Are any of your birds for sale?
You can come up with them on your own. Skeptical? I'm not worried about that. LOL  But it looks like this is becoming a thread that's going to be filled with insults and I have other things to do. Not going to argue. I don't need to. 
Ignore the judge mental people. There are so many people out there that want beautiful eggs like yours.

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