Question on GMO feed

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Quote: Like I have pointed out several times before, we CURRENTLY have all the information we need to stay away from GMO foods. There are many foods on the market today with this printed on the label.

"This Product Contains No GMO Organisms"

What is wrong with a company stating something that you approve of on their label" Huh? I can tell everyone what is wrong with it. It will not help the elite food snobs including the over 16 ounce sugary drink snobs, the raw organic vegan snobs and others, drive GMOs out of existence. That is the whole idea behind the anti GMO debate.

Going back to Robert Mugabe and Zimbabwe for a minute. During one of Zimbabwe's many famines left wing white food snobs convinced Mugabe that American food aid was a sinister neo-colonial plot to commit genocide against the Zimbabwe peoples by giving them free GMO corn. Mugabe rejected the food aid and untold 10s of 1,000s died from starvation in Africa's breadbasket. This is the kind of outcome for which the Anti-GMO cabal is famous and IMHO the kind of outcome for which they hope. How many times have you heard this?


Here is another example of the half-truths, un-truths, and baldface.... (never mind) that have swirled around this issue for decades. While approval is imminent there are at the moment NO GMO salmon in your or in anyone elses' grocery. Anyone who says there is has likely mistaken captive farmed salmon for GMO salmon. In my opinion the problem they really have with $5.00 per # Atlantic salmon is that almost anyone in this country can afford to eat at least a little $5 salmon but few can justify the $10 + per pound for wild caught Pacific salmon.

I can hear the whining now. "It just ain't fair, I went to 'collage' 'four' 'for' years just so the professors could 'learn' me how to hold my little 'pickey' finger while I sip Mad Dog 50-50 and suddenly salmon only cost $5.00."

Farming fish is the same thing that you, I, and everyone else on this forum who "KEEPS" chickens does, that is raise or feed captive bred red jungle fowl. You are, and I am involved in captive chicken "farming" just as surely as the people who provide you with the $5.00 farm fed salmon. To show how silly the anti-GMO Wild fish verses farm fed fish debate is, if the non-GMO farm fed salmon were fed on non GM food (and most salmon food is already organic) they could be sold as ORGANIC salmon. LOL.’s-the-best-salmon-to-buy-1

The final approval process is expected to begin on February 25, 2013. So there has yet NOT been enough time for a trans-genetic salmon to be approved, hatched, stocked, and fed to maturity regardless of what some of you have stated or believe. This is just another prime example of the truth telling ability of the anti-GMO crowd. They have little or no ability in this art form.
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... It's not just the genetically engineered toxins, it ALL Pesticides you need to be concered with....
By planting Bt crops pesticide use has DECREASED by up to 100 percent. Considering your concern for food safety isn't that a good thing? Organic does NOT mean chemical pesticide free, it means that only organically approved pesticides were used on the food crop in question. Don't be played for a fool.

BTW, Monsanto sells tons and tons of pesticides that are used on Organic crops. They win any way you slice it.

Also there are no toxins in any trans genetic crop. Please define "toxins"
Don't be fooled. The Antis real reason for wanting to do this is to fabricate a SCARLET LETTER and then force their scarlet letter on food labels similar to the way blue noses in past centuries treated wayward women, by branding their cheeks with an "A"
Actually, I would prefer this symbol:
I can assure you that any lack of autism in the Amish population is not a result of these hard working people shunning GMO crops and farming practices. The proof is below.
This video disproves any claim that implies that the Amish do not employ GMO crops in their farming practices. I do not expect anyone reading this who is opposed to GMOs to look at the facts but if you are interested in the truth, especally about the Amish’s view on GMOs it is presented at about minutes 30:00 to 35:00 if you wish to leap forward to it, go for it. Any claim that suggests that the Amish rejects GMO theology and that this somehow protects them from autism is another case of slinging all the mud and misinformation that you can up against the wall and hoping that some of it sticks instead of sliding back into the muck.

The only religous groups I am aware of who reject things like polio vaccine is the Taliban and a few fringe groups who also practice things like handling poisonous serpents. I refuse to dignify anti vaccine ideas with any more comments except to point out that the Amish population is not a reservoir of active smallpox or even polio infections and that there must be a reason that these two diseases are not rife among the Amish.
We were talking about the Amish population with respect to their religious beliefs against vaccinations, not gmo. If they choose a technology to make their lives easier that is up to them. Of course since they don't have insurance they might have to sell their farms to pay for their breastcancer chemo. Anyways, I suppose I will not be making any special trips to Amish farmer markets anytime soon.

I watched your propaganda reel. It was good subtle propaganda, the effective kind. It features a likeable, down to earth organic farmer who is willing to examine gmo, then shows anti-gmo "extremists" razing crops in Europe. [Heartening acctually, I suppose Europe must not flouridate its water supply] Then goes to well meaning genetic engineers and how they hope to "improve" mankind.

Well I would like to hear not from an genetic engineer, but from a corporate "technocrat." My video is much shorter and has thousands more views:
By planting Bt crops pesticide use has DECREASED by up to 100 percent. Considering your concern for food safety isn't that a good thing? Organic does NOT mean chemical pesticide free, it means that only organically approved pesticides were used on the food crop in question. Don't be played for a fool.

BTW, Monsanto sells tons and tons of pesticides that are used on Organic crops. They win any way you slice it.

Also there are no toxins in any trans genetic crop. Please define "toxins"

Maybe you'd prefer a Roundup shot with your beer every so often so you'll be Roundup-Ready. Monsanto pesticides used on Organic labeled crops? Thanks for the laugh.
BT toxins are good for us, huh?
Here. Educate yourself:
I scanned that site and found this cool video on natural chicken raising:
Using a laundry detergent additive like zeolite in the shavings has to be one of the dumbest things I've seen recently. Keep the ammonia down? How about chicks eating it? Putting goslings in with baby chicks? Despite some good info from that site, that video was lame.
We were talking about the Amish population with respect to their religious beliefs against vaccinations, not gmo.
Lets' get one thing straight, Greek mythology like that mentioned in your video is make believe, like all the proof to come to light so far that says that GMOs are bad for you. That puts opposition to GMO in the same relm as the Easter Bunny, Charley Brown's Great Pumpkin, or the funny papers.

There is NO relationship between the Amish, vaccines and autism. My wife is a NP and she sees children in the ER every day with autism. None of the Amish children my wife sees have autism. The parents of the youngsters who do have autism are usually as proud as punch that little Johnny acts out and they think for the most part that it is cute. I am sure that there are cases of real or true autism but what my wife calls pseudo autism is an inherited disease, it runs in families with poor parenting skills.

I have no doubt that 99.9 % of all Amish children who come down with autism like symptoms would be eating their meals standing up if they acted out in the same manner as some of my wife's young non Amish patients do. Heating up the seat of their pants is the so called vaccination that protects Amish children from autism. This vaccine doesn’t come in a hypodermic needle either.

You are burning up good bandwidth, if you have a point to make, make it. My point is that there is no connection between either GMOs, or autism, or the Amish, or vaccinations? Zip, zero, zilch. If you are able to prove a relationship between any of the 4 things mentioned above, then proving that GM technology is evil should be a lead pipe cinch. I eagerly await your proof.
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