Question on GMO feed

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Monsanto pesticides used on Organic labeled crops? Thanks for the laugh..

BT toxins are good for us, huh?
Michael, it seems that it is you who needs to educate yourself about Bt's so called toxins.
The following link is reproduced here twice so that you and Spifflove can see to click on it again if you have to many big tears in your eyes after reading it the first time.

The above links are from a respected university in California of all places. I strongly suggest that you click on this link from the University of California at San Diego and read up on what is and what is not allowed to go on in pesticide free organic agriculture. Bt is a 100% organic pesticide and as the link mentions it has been employed in Organic agriculture for 50 years or longer. Don't argue with me, I've called your hand, show us your cards. If you think I am 4 flushing you, then call up UCSD yourself and ask them if I am correct about Bt organisms coming right out of Monsanto's shipping dock then being sprayed on organic crops. This is the same poison you so cavalierly claim is in Bt corn and you say it is TOXIN that it will kill you. However this TOXIN is sprayed wholesale on dozens and dozens of so called "pesticide free" organic crops.

I neither expect nor do I demand a public apology. To expect that from most anti-GMO activist would be a waste of my time, but hopefully you are different. A PM will suffice. It is time to see if you and Spifflove are people of integrity.
Monsanto pesticides used on Organic labeled crops? Thanks for the laugh..

BT toxins are good for us, huh?
Michael, it seems that it is you who needs to educate yourself about Bt's so called toxins.
The following link is reproduced here twice so that you and Spifflove can see to click on it again if you have to many big tears in your eyes after reading it the first time.

The above links are from a respected university in California of all places. I strongly suggest that you click on this link from the University of California at San Diego and read up on what is and what is not allowed to go on in pesticide free organic agriculture. Bt is a 100% organic pesticide and as the link mentions it has been employed in Organic agriculture for 50 years or longer. Don't argue with me, I've called your hand, show us your cards. If you think I am 4 flushing you, then call up UCSD yourself and ask them if I am correct about Bt organisms coming right out of Monsanto's shipping dock then being sprayed on organic crops. This is the same poison you so cavalierly claim is in Bt corn and you say it is TOXIN that it will kill you. However this TOXIN is sprayed wholesale on dozens and dozens of so called "pesticide free" organic crops.

I neither expect nor do I demand a public apology. To expect that from most anti-GMO activist would be a waste of my time, but hopefully you are different. A PM will suffice. It is time to see if you and Spifflove are people of integrity.
Chickengeorge, you either work for Monsanto, invest in their products, or just refuse to acknowledge the US Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service's findings since studying Roundup Ready corn and soybeans since 1997. Bon Appetit on your GMO poisons if you choose, but you'll never convince anyone else who bothers to investigate the truth.
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~my previous post was in response to this post...sorry Cindy in Pa ... ... ... Monsanto makes the same claim... now WalMart many years did it take to prove cigarette smoking directly caused cancer??? and various other health concerns??'s all about making more money....with no concern for your health
It didn't take long to show smoking caused cancer.
It STILL hasn';t been shown GMO's are harmful
Mostly wha'ts been shown is some people will believe most anything

Do you REALLY think all the farmers GROWING GMO's are not eating it too?

And the "spraying twice a week" is just pure fantasy.
Quote: If you have all this "truth", why haven't you been showing it rather then just telling those who HAVE shown credible proof that yours is better?
So far you're all talk, and you don't really seem to know much about the topic if you think Bt is harmful to anything other than worms.

The anti "proof" so far has been the same 3- 4 sources, over and over again, no matter how often they've been shown to be flawed..
If all you've got is Huber, Pusztai, and Seralini, then don't waste my time
You Pro GMO folks sure get irate when people say they don't want GMOs. The choice between the two is coming because of public pressure. We will see in the end who wins. I am sure there is room for all products in the marketplace. It is just hard for the non GMO people, as the pollen & chemicals know no real boundaries. I will continue to choose what I want as best I can including organic soy free for my chickens.
Lets' get one thing straight, Greek mythology like that mentioned in your video is make believe, like all the proof to come to light so far that says that GMOs are bad for you. That puts opposition to GMO in the same relm as the Easter Bunny, Charley Brown's Great Pumpkin, or the funny papers.

There is NO relationship between the Amish, vaccines and autism. My wife is a NP and she sees children in the ER every day with autism. None of the Amish children my wife sees have autism. The parents of the youngsters who do have autism are usually as proud as punch that little Johnny acts out and they think for the most part that it is cute. I am sure that there are cases of real or true autism but what my wife calls pseudo autism is an inherited disease, it runs in families with poor parenting skills.

I have no doubt that 99.9 % of all Amish children who come down with autism like symptoms would be eating their meals standing up if they acted out in the same manner as some of my wife's young non Amish patients do. Heating up the seat of their pants is the so called vaccination that protects Amish children from autism. This vaccine doesn’t come in a hypodermic needle either.

You are burning up good bandwidth, if you have a point to make, make it. My point is that there is no connection between either GMOs, or autism, or the Amish, or vaccinations? Zip, zero, zilch. If you are able to prove a relationship between any of the 4 things mentioned above, then proving that GM technology is evil should be a lead pipe cinch. I eagerly await your proof.
my video was an actor reading from a script. Same as your video. Mine at least doesn't hide the fact.

We are talking two different discussions: GMO and vaccinations. See its two different discus...that's good George, I like that.

I am for labels, you are for deception. I am for freedom, you are for authoritarianism. Enough on that topic. are not God. You are just a little boy playing with fire. could get burned.
It's been around for decades now, and .no one has shown any REAL proof of harmful effects.
Lots of people have claimed it's harmful, but not one of them has offered repeatable data to confirm it
I guess I need to ask you what you consider to be "real proof". I need to ask that in order to understand why it is that you are dismissing out of hand all of the research that has been done that does show health problems related to GMO crops.

You don't say "no research has shown that GMOs cause health problems" You say that it has not shown "REAL proof".

I don't know what qualifications you have to decide whether or not a given researcher has done a good job and "proven" anything, but I do know that there are studies out there that run contrary to your assertions. One of them quite recent and demonstrating a marked link between GMO food and occurrence of cancer. Peer reviewed and all that, so the people who have the very specialized education and experience to evaluate this sort of research consider it to be a legitimate study with results that deserve to be released to the public and distributed within the academic community for further examination.
Until the population of the world drastically declines, or the majority of the population learn to feed themselves (pretty impossible in an urban setting) then GMO and pesticides/herbicides are going to be a requirement. It is not logistically possible to feed the entire population using 100% organic/non-GMO processes.

Organic may be great in the minds of some people, but it means a high percentage of loss to the grower. The yield off an organic crop field is going to be much less than a non-organic field. Add to that the cost that organic demands, and most people will not be able to afford to purchase the organic products.

This is a fallacy. It does not require GMO to produce large crops, it does not even require insecticides or herbicides. Farming can be done very successfully using pesticide free methods, without using herbicides. Agribusiness farming is itself a self-limiting approach that destroys the soil and pollutes the water supply and cannot be maintained indefinitely.

I know it's part of accepted fact that we can't possibly grow enough food without using all of these "modern" tools - pesticides, huge combines, all of it.
But it does not become true simply because some people believe it. There needs to be a recognition of the huge hidden costs involved in our current agribusiness approach - the costs to the land, to the water, to our health - and an understanding that down that path lies not a never ending abundance of food, but a cliff, over which we will drop into a desert, with poisoned, barren soil and toxic water.

Organic methods can avoid that cliff and provide plentiful food. Google Sepp Holzer if you don't believe me.
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