Question on GMO feed

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Michael, it seems that it is you who needs to educate yourself about Bt's so called toxins.
The following link is reproduced here twice so that you and Spifflove can see to click on it again if you have to many big tears in your eyes after reading it the first time.

The above links are from a respected university in California of all places. I strongly suggest that you click on this link from the University of California at San Diego and read up on what is and what is not allowed to go on in pesticide free organic agriculture. Bt is a 100% organic pesticide and as the link mentions it has been employed in Organic agriculture for 50 years or longer. Don't argue with me, I've called your hand, show us your cards. If you think I am 4 flushing you, then call up UCSD yourself and ask them if I am correct about Bt organisms coming right out of Monsanto's shipping dock then being sprayed on organic crops. This is the same poison you so cavalierly claim is in Bt corn and you say it is TOXIN that it will kill you. However this TOXIN is sprayed wholesale on dozens and dozens of so called "pesticide free" organic crops.

I neither expect nor do I demand a public apology. To expect that from most anti-GMO activist would be a waste of my time, but hopefully you are different. A PM will suffice. It is time to see if you and Spifflove are people of integrity.
I am not sure why you signed my name onto this debate, probably because you knew I would actually read the article. Well you probably should have also known that I would study and understand the issue and it is this:

BT pesticide on organic crops [yes its true organic crops can be sprayed with non-synethetic pesticides] dissipates in a few days, and never penetrates the plant. That is from the link that @chickengeorge provided.

BT from GMO corn is produced directly into the kernel of corn, and then ingested by the target organism [you.] So a rat eats the stuff and dies, but its safe for you. Bon appetite!
Zeolite is silica based, your hair and nails are made out of silica. Zeolite is not toxic you can buy it at health food stores and take it yourself it helps remove heavy metals, carcinogens etc, it is a pH balancer and it is expelled naturally it doesn't stay in your system.

So are you going to feed your 2 day old chicks hair and nails? It doesn't matter if it is non-toxic, it can still impact the small crop of a young chick. Their reason was for keeping the ammonia down. That only happens if the keeper of chicks is lazy and doesn't clean up/add fresh shavings, which also shouldn't be done until the chicks are about 4-5 days old to boot. Like I've stated before, just like people who shouldn't have children, there are some not even fit to raise an animal.
If you have all this "truth", why haven't you been showing it rather then just telling those who HAVE shown credible proof that yours is better?
So far you're all talk, and you don't really seem to know much about the topic if you think Bt is harmful to anything other than worms.

The anti "proof" so far has been the same 3- 4 sources, over and over again, no matter how often they've been shown to be flawed..
If all you've got is Huber, Pusztai, and Seralini, then don't waste my time

It is your responsibility to investigate the research done by those not on Monsanto's payroll. If you don't want to do that, then keep shilling for the Biotech companies and maintain a steady diet of their product.
It is your responsibility to investigate the research done by those not on Monsanto's payroll. If you don't want to do that, then keep shilling for the Biotech companies and maintain a steady diet of their product.
DITTO. It's also his/her responsibility to investigate the NINETY day research done BY Monsanto to which the FDA approved. Who does research in NINETY days and gets approved? It's disgusting the amount of corrupt corporate involvement in our food supply.

In bold would be a very interesting 'study'...Do these pro-GMO farms feed their animals GMO feed? Would be interested to know how the fertility rate is turning out...and how the animals' health are in general.

A good article about Monsanto and the like:

More importantly, the Report:

The best thing aware people can do is support the organic seed suppliers for gardens AND crops...maybe some of those seed companies can sell some of the 'less than germination rate' seed for feed?????
I remember going on a ride at Disney World as a kid...."If You Had Wings" sponsored by American Airlines and, yes, Monsanto. God, If I knew then what I know now....Monsanto sounded so good to such a young mind....
Quote: It makes no difference to me what anyone "wants'
I just hate seeing people spreading false information to try and justify it.

You've always had a choice. If you don't want to eat anything you think is GMO, buy Certified Organic
It's that simple, and no one really cares either way

But don't go around spreading misinformation about how "bad" they are unless you can prove it scientifically
So far, no one has

In the end , the truth always "wins"
I guess I need to ask you what you consider to be "real proof". I need to ask that in order to understand why it is that you are dismissing out of hand all of the research that has been done that does show health problems related to GMO crops.

You don't say "no research has shown that GMOs cause health problems" You say that it has not shown "REAL proof".

I don't know what qualifications you have to decide whether or not a given researcher has done a good job and "proven" anything, but

I do know that there are studies out there that run contrary to your assertions.
One of them quite recent and demonstrating a marked link between GMO food and occurrence of cancer.

Peer reviewed and all that, so the people who have the very specialized education and experience to evaluate this sort of research consider it to be a legitimate study with results that deserve to be released to the public and distributed within the academic community for further examination.
I've already answered that first question, but once more, simply show me your proof

You say you know they are out there, so show them
You say there's a cancer study, so show it.

But I'm pretty sure it will be the same old study that's already been shown at least twice in this thread and I've shown where at least 6 different countrie's Govt food safety agencies said it was a totally worthless study

Like I said in a previous post, if you have proof, simply post it, BUT if all you have is junk science from Huber, Pusztai, or Saralini, then don't bother because those were shot down a long time ago.
Originally Posted by Michael Apple

Using a laundry detergent additive like zeolite in the shavings has to be one of the dumbest things I've seen recently.
Keep the ammonia down? How about chicks eating it?
Putting goslings in with baby chicks?
Despite some good info from that site, that video was lame.
The more you talk about some of these things, the more obvious it becomes you REALLY don't know much about it at all

Zeolite is very similar to DE
It's mostly Silica, which is the second most common element in the Earth's crust
It works well at controlling ammonia
If you don't waste too much energy being condescending, you might even learn something here
I am curious as to where you find the language limiting this to decisions of a lower court pending appeal. The words are not in the language you have quoted. The language you have quoted does, on its face, give the FDA authority to permit a farmer to continue doing business in a manner that has been prohibited by a court order.

All of the "interim" phrasing, all of the language about while the FDA investigates further - no time limits evident on any of that, so an interim permit could run for an indeterminate time, and could be done despite a ruling by the US Supreme Court prohibiting the action.

I have doubts as to the constitutionality of a clause that allows an executive branch department to simply override a judicial branch ruling. Whole division of powers and equality of the branches of government thing. Whether or not it will survive a challenge will have to wait until the case arises, but it seems on its face there's a problem.
If the USSC ruled, the INTERIM would be over
I'm not concerned with whether or not you think it's constitutional
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