Question on GMO feed

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Cognitive dissonance. .... You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.
Your adage cuts both ways, so be careful that you don't amputate your own deeply held belief system.
All I ask for is real scientific proof that can be reproduced in a laboratory by using the scientific method. Do you have said proof?
I amended the NY Times article quotes to take into account the fact that many would not bother reading it.
And where is your proof that crops that have been screwed with are safe?? You seem to think just because we are not growing 3 eyes after a short time, all is good. We can't just blindly buy certified organic, as the gov has messed that up also.
Many farmers & businesses are already playing to the consumer's wish for non GMO stuff. Hopefully it will continue until it's too difficult to grow GMO. I only hope non GMO crops are not 100% contaminated by then.
People have been trying for decades to prove it's HARMFUL, and have always failed.
The "short time' comment is more misinformation.

Quote: Then why are so many still saying "We have no choice"?
You contradict yourself
You can perpetuate misinformation by accusing people of hysteria while insulting their intelligence. You accomplish nothing. My claims are backed by the science community not on Biotech company payrolls. Like I said, enjoy your poison. Those who know will avoid it.
Yet you haven't posted one CREDIBLE example

I haven't "insulted your intelligence"
I have pointed out your ignorance, based on your own statement about Bt.
Still beating your drum despite the fact that the Saralini study was proven valid on this very forum?
I suppose you will go on beating your drum on the next forum and the next, just as if what was discovered here had never happened. Perhaps you have a case of Stockholm syndrome?
The truth is where it always was: Hiding in plain sight.
No, actually it was refuted by at least 6 different Food Safety agencies in different countries, and THAT was posted here also

You've merely proven you don't read anything that doesn't agree with your preconcieved notions

You did make one true statement, but ONLY one:

The EU’s food safety agency definitively rejected Wednesday a bombshell French report linking genetically modified corn to cancer, saying it failed to meet “acceptable scientific standards.”

Serious defects in the design and methodology of a paper by Seralini et al. mean it does not meet acceptable scientific standards,” the European Food Safety Authority said in a statement.

“Consequently it is not possible to draw valid conclusions about the occurrence of tumours in the rats tested,” the agency said.
EFSA, which reviews the use and authorisation of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms), added that it “finds there is no need to re-examine its previous safety evaluations of NK603,” the genetically modified maize developed by US agribusiness giant Monsanto.

That same conclusion had been reached in separate and independent assessments of Gilles-Eric Seralini’s work carried out in six European Union nations, the agency added
Bear Foot Farm - You keep repeating the same falsehood, that no one has provided scientific information that GMO's are bad for us. It won't become true just by repetition.

Denying something does not make it go away. You just attack any study that does not support your belief, refusing to consider the possibility that anything you don't agree with might actually be true.

Your tag line there - "the truth always 'wins'" ? It's pretty ironic, considering how hard you are working to deny the truth with your comments.

There are lots of studies showing that there are hazards to GMO crops - you just refuse to recognize them as being valid.

It's rather like jumping off the top of the Empire State Building with great confidence that you will not fall because no one can prove how gravity works. There's truth in the statement that no one has yet been able to prove how gravity works - but that doesn't mean you won't plummet to the ground.
4 more paragraphs from you, with more meaningless rhetoric, and still nothing SHOWN as proof
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