Question on GMO feed

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People have been trying for decades to prove it's HARMFUL, and have always failed.
The "short time' comment is more misinformation.

Prove the failure AND the misinformation.
The NYT???

Give it up

They say the corn is in field trials. So they decided it wont work before the trials are done ?
UCS used data generated by Monsanto, the developer of biotech "DroughtGard" corn approved by regulators in December and an analysis by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). It said Monsanto's corn "does not appear to be superior to several recent classically bred varieties of drought-tolerant corn."

And if you read the WHOLE article what they are saying is that funding should ALSO go to ALL developing of breeds that are more tolerant of drought as it is more cost effective, instead of just relying on questionable genetic engineered crops.
UCS said that rather than relying on private industry research, Congress and the USDA should substantially increase support for public crop-breeding programs to improve drought tolerance, and should use conservation programs funded under the federal Farm Bill to expand the use of available methods for improving drought tolerance and water use efficiency.

Why should it be USC's, The Union for Concerned Scientists, a nonprofit science advocacy group, be responsible to come up with a better plant when existing drought tolerant non gm plants already exist as do breeding programs, yet aren't promoted?
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