Questions and general discussion about all flock/flock raiser food

Faithful flock

Jun 27, 2022
South Carolina
Hey there! I have always fed my girls organic layer. However now I have a rooster and some pullets and I am interested in doing flock raiser for my whole flock. Anything tips/things I should know? I've read that you do have to provide oyster shells as extra calcium for the layers? Will they know how much they need? Another question is I have one week old pullets can they be on flock raiser as well? I'm hoping my older girls will adjust to there new food as they're 4 years old.
I don't think there's really any tips.

You can feed an all flock/flock raiser to everyone regardless of age.
Yes, provide oyster shell free choice, the birds will take what they need.

One week old chicks can eat all flock/flock raiser. Do look at the size of the crumbles, if the chicks struggle eating it, just grind it up a bit finer in the blender or food processor.
I don't think there's really any tips.

You can feed an all flock/flock raiser to everyone regardless of age.
Yes, provide oyster shell free choice, the birds will take what they need.

One week old chicks can eat all flock/flock raiser. Do look at the size of the crumbles, if the chicks struggle eating it, just grind it up a bit finer in the blender or food processor.
Thank you for the advise! Quick question I have 3 month old pullets when should I start giving them the oyster shells since they're are not laying?
Thank you for the advise! Quick question I have 3 month old pullets when should I start giving them the oyster shells since they're are not laying?
Just make the oyster shell available free choice. They may take a piece or two to investigate. It won't hurt them.

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