Rabbit thread!!!

I was wondering. If my rabbit is going to have babies should she be in a cage alone or is it OK with other females?
Do you have her nesting box fixed up yet? She'll be pulling out her fiber soon but you can add some shredded papers or buy the nesting stuff that they sell for the baby's at first. If you don't have a n. box, cut a c cut out of a tote box should you plan on doing this again or use a cardboard box but in time they will peep thru it! I like the tote box myself cuz I can wash it every time I need to change the litter. Hope that helps!
Do you have her nesting box fixed up yet?  She'll be pulling out her fiber soon but you can add some shredded papers or buy the nesting stuff that they sell for the baby's at first.  If you don't have a n. box, cut a c cut out of a tote box should you plan on doing this again or use a cardboard box but in time they will peep thru it!  I like the tote box myself cuz I can wash it every time I need to change the litter.  Hope that helps!
I put her some hay in there and she has mad a hole in the middle of it.
Yesterday DH and I worked on making a set up for our grow out cages for the bucks and does to be separated till they are abt. 4 months old. We got two 30"x 36" cages to put the groups in. But we wanted to protect them from the wind and rain till it warms up. So we used some vinyl to put on three sides. When it warms up we can roll the sides and back up to give them better air flow and still give them shade from the top being covered.
We are going camping for a few days and I had to find something to use for feeders for the rabbits. The actual feeders for them are to small.
So we went looking at the dollar tree, we always find useful things in there. And we hope these will work.

I have the container on the top raised higher than the basket the feed goes into and I cut a hole in the bottom and up the front a bit so the
feed would come out when the feed in the basket gets low. The babies like the bright colors to. lol
Hi! I have been raising rabbits for quite a few years now but this is the first year that I have had the worst luck with my does and kits! My problem now is I have had a giant Angora doe that had 8 kits. One the third day I lost a kit OK. Then on week 4 I lost another one and now I'm into their 6th week and again I have a kit that's lethargic so I have taken her away from the others. I hope I'm doing right cause I hate to lose any more but if she does have something I don't want her to pass it one to one of the other kits. Is there something other than her feed and water that I could give to help her? Thank you for reading this!
Hi! I have been raising rabbits for quite a few years now but this is the first year that I have had the worst luck with my does and kits! My problem now is I have had a giant Angora doe that had 8 kits. One the third day I lost a kit OK. Then on week 4 I lost another one and now I'm into their 6th week and again I have a kit that's lethargic so I have taken her away from the others. I hope I'm doing right cause I hate to lose any more but if she does have something I don't want her to pass it one to one of the other kits. Is there something other than her feed and water that I could give to help her? Thank you for reading this!
You should probably post this on the Emergencies thread.
Hi rabbit lovers! I've got a question about housing and poop management. :)

I've been raising meet rabbits for my family for about 18 months. To this point I've had them in pretty primitive housing: wire cages with boards to rest on, all under a lean-to shelter. I let their waste fall straight on the ground and collect it a few times per year and either throw it in my compost pile or spread it directly on the garden.

Now that I know I'm sticking with this "hobby", I'm planning to upgrade their housing pretty dramatically -- I really want happy rabbits, especially since they feed my family. So I'll be building fancy individual hutches, each with unrestricted access to a sizable personal run at ground level, which I will seed regularly with a clover/sainfoin mix and other yummy snacks. This should also cut my feed bill dramatically, which means less pressure to breed them aggressively.

So here's my question: When they have unrestricted access to the ground, what will that mean for collecting their waste? If I give them a solid-bottom cage, will they keep it clean and go outside most of the time? Or if I leave a third of the hutch with a wire bottom and have collection buckets, can I train them to go in that spot? Or would it be better to try to train them to use a litter box in the run? Or should I just give up on control and rake up the waste in the run every few months?

Thanks for any insights!
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