Raccoon in the Duck Pen


6 Years
Jan 5, 2014
Hi all,

I went to put the ducks away in their house for the night, and when I got to the pen I saw a big fat raccoon in their pen eating the duck food. The ducks were about four feet away from the raccoon, all were fine and were just staring at the raccoon and did not seem bothered at all by its presence. When the raccoon saw me it ran out of the pen by busting through the coner of the wired fenced door, and it stopped about ten feet away from me stuffing itself with duck food and stared at me until I finally snapped out of my astonishment and scared it away.

I was so baffled by all this. By the way everything played out and by how big and round the raccoon looked, it seems like this has been going on for a while. I can't believe I did not catch this before. I am also amazed (and extremely grateful) that the raccoon has not hurt any of the ducks. I have to reinforce the door, but does anyone know the best way of going about this? And the best way to reinforce the pen in general? I have had predator break ins before and I have redone the pen so it seemed impenetrable, and I am stunned how a raccoon still managed to break in. Predators really are determined creatures. Any help or advise will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance :)
Do you have photos of your set up? What materials did you use? Is the floor reinforced as well?
Wow! What a shock that must have been! Racoons are amazingly bold, and also amazingly lazy if they've been fed by humans (either intentionally or unintentionally) -- why chase a yelling duck around when you can just reach into a bowl and get handfuls of food? Still, what good fortune that none of the ducks have been harmed.

I agree, pictures would be very helpful, or at least a detailed description of how you built your duck pen.

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